De Belgisch-Luxemburgs/Thaise Kamer van Koophandel organiseert onder het motto “Welcome Back” een eerste netwerkavond na de lockdown op woensdag 16 september a.s. in het Sofitel Bangkok Sukhumvit Hotel.

Op de Facebookpagina van het Belga Restaurant staat het volgende:

Datum: Woensdag 16 september 2020 van 06:30 – 21:00 uur

Locatie: BELGA Restaurant, 32nd Floor, Sofitel Bangkok Sukhumvit

After a Lock Down and a quite summer, it is time to pick up the pace. The BeLuThai Welcome Back Networking night will be the first public event of a series of activities planned between September and December.

The Welcome Back will take place on Wednesday, September 16 from 6:30 PM to 9:00 PM

BeLuThai is very concerned about your Health and Safety. Therefore, pre-registration is required.

It will be a nice opportunity for you to meet with: Mrs. Marie-Charlotte Annez, new Consul for the Kingdom of Belgium to Thailand And Mr. Gabriel Baptista, new Head of Mission at the Embassy of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg

We look forward to see you all.

Philip Coates

Executive Director

Event Details

Cost: THB 750 for BeLuThai Members,THB 1,250 for Non-members

Cash Payments are not accepted.

Price includes Free flow Wines and Beers and Cocktail-style food

We accept a maximum of 100 guests who have completed registration and payment in order to facilitate proper space management and COVID -19 safety measures.

Registration and Payment is required by 5 PM Monday 14th September 2020

More Information please contact at 026979069 or [email protected]

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