Two weeks ago I received my retirement extension for the 19th time. I always go for the 800K scheme. Well in time for the extension date, after having completed all the paperwork at home behind the PC and using my printer for all necessary copies. On the day of judgment, together with my Thai wife, I first went to the Krungsri bank for the bank statement, the annual printout of my transactions and there were a few more regarding the current account that could be requested daily and a bank book update on the day of request.

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Questioner: Driekens I have a question on behalf of a lady with early onset dementia, 79 years old from Belgium, to extend a Non-O visa and asks me if I can do anything for her. Her income is slightly above 1700 Euro per month, this should be enough with this rate of 38 baht, if you get less baht it will be a different story. She also has a bankbook with 400k on it, which together is more...

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After living in Thailand (with family) for 20 years on an extension of stay with 800K deposit, I have to use the DUO option this year (income + bank balance=800K

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My passport does not expire (until) September 9, 2025. The passport contains a years-old Non Immigrant (O)-retired visa with annual extensions until January 31 of the following year. Now I'm wondering whether, with the next "last" application for the extension in January 2025, they will extend it again until January 31, 2026 or whether they will extend it no later than the validity date of September 09, 2025 of the current old passport (which is in addition the application is used) issue?

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We want to go to Thailand for 3 or 4 months every year and now I read Ronny's answer to a reader question: an ideal solution for us. But this is not entirely clear to me, where do you apply for this annual extension? 

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Reporter: Pooh Peter Yesterday we went to immigration Saraburi for the TM30 report, unfortunately only a few words of English were spoken, but thanks to my daughter-in-law 'the homeowner' and my wife it went smoothly and my future year extension was immediately prepared. I was welcomed to Thailand and everything was extremely friendly. Today we went to Kasikorn bank (again not English) to open a bank account, but according to the new rules this was only possible if...

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Would like to report on my visit to immigration Chayaphum for year extension. Used visa support letter. This was requested by email at the Dutch embassy on December 19, and the next day I received an email with confirmation. Kudos for quick handling.

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Questioner: Jan I have visa questions. By way of introduction, something about the situation. I am in the Netherlands in the summer and in Thailand in the winter, last year for 3 months, now six months. I also want to stay in Thailand for six months in a row in the coming years. I live there in Chanthaburi in the house of my Thai wife whom I married in the Netherlands. She and I never realized until now that we were obliged...

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I arrived half an hour early and when I registered I received a number with which I could enter. 20 minutes before the agreed time it was my turn and 10 minutes later everything was in place. For the first time in 3 years it went without any problems, tomorrow I can pick up my passport.

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Maybe a stupid question, but since it's my first time, I'll ask anyway. I had received an annual visa on 19-12-2022 until 26-12-2023. I extended the period of residence on 30/11/2023 by one year, until 26/12/2024, and I must submit my first 90-day notification on February 27, 2024. Now I receive an email from the immigration service with the following text.

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Today I went to the immigration office in Khon Kaen for three things: my annual extension with a support letter from the embassy, ​​a multi-visa and my 90-day notification. It wasn't busy; I was in at 10.00am and out again at 10.30am. I was kindly helped, first by students who checked my documents and pasted up my passport photos, and then I was given a number.

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On December 19, 12 I received my annual visa for the first time based on 2022K on a savings account, which is valid until December 800, 26. I immediately asked if it was a problem that I could transfer the 12K to a time deposit account and not have to wait for the three months that the money had to remain in it. This is because the interest rate is a lot better.

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My O retired annual visa and re-entry permit are valid until January 2, 2024. But I can only travel to Thailand after December 20. I believe that the visa must be valid for at least 2 weeks before I can apply for a new one. What to do?

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This morning I went to the new location of Immigration in Chiang Rai, now located in Central Chiang Rai, to apply for an extension of my stay here. I had copied everything in duplicate according to the checklist provided by this service and knew that this should not cause any problems, but I had not counted on Immigration itself.

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I have received a Non O retirement year visa. Can I use the 800.000 baht immediately, but must it remain fixed until the next extension?

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My husband wants to convert his retiremend O visa into an annual visa this year, even though we only stay there for 3 months each year, so that he can extend his driver's license for more than 1 year. I just read that for an annual visa you need a Thai bank account with 800.000 baht. Now that amount is not the problem, but the Thai bill is.

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As a result of your call in the TB immigration information letter no. 040/23, I will send you the requirements of immi Korat for an extension 'Retired'.

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