Questioner: Yan I have had a “Non-Immigrant O, Multiple Entry” for years. If “Multiple Entry” is/was abolished, we can only apply for a “Single entry”… Do you have any idea how many “Single Entries” one can apply for during one year? Is there a limit here too? Thank you for your expertise, Response RonnyLatYa As far as I know there is no restriction on this. – Do you have a visa question for Ronny? Use the contact form! –

I requested and received a single entry, but now that my schedule has changed and I want to enter twice, I actually needed a multiple entry, or I can simply request a single entry again after the first entry.

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I requested and received a single entry, but now that my planning has changed and I want to enter twice, did I actually need a multiple entry, or can I simply request a single entry again after the first entry?

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Received wrong visa from Thai embassy The Hague. I had applied for a multiple tourist visa and paid 175 Euro, was approved and received the visa form.

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I am in doubt between a single or a multi entry 90 days non-Immigrant O status (based on Thai Marriage). I want to apply for an extension for 1 year in Thailand, so a single would suffice. But in the event of a rejection of that application, what I doubt, would I still be able to do a border run with my multi-entry 90-day visa? Or does that visa expire after the application for the extension?

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I will go to Thailand in October 29 and in February after 90 days I will leave Thailand again and then come back after 1,5 months. Can I then do the best multiple entry? And can you also extend it annually like a single entry?

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I have been coming to Thailand for 12 years, and in recent years I have always applied for my multiple 50 years and older visa in August. And always went to Thailand at the end of October. But now that I want to go to Thailand again, I have the problem for next time, because if I apply now, it will be ready in January. So if I go again in October next year, my visa will still be valid and will have to be extended again in January 2022.

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About Thailand visa question No. 052/20: Entries. I can't comment but it's not quite right. i had 3 single entry tourist visa (9 months) and i was in the third one. I have problems with immigration, with month extension. The law has changed in the meantime. You may have a maximum of 2 tourist visas per year (songkran). So all of a sudden I was in violation, but I was able to get a study visa, and it was solved. Bit expensive and went a bit weird…but okay.

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Thailand visa question No. 052/20: Entries

By Submitted Message
Posted in Visa question
March 5 2020

Could you tell me how many single entry's I can apply for per year visa. Or is the rule that if I have more than 1 entry, I always have to purchase a multi-entry?

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As a 66-year-old, I would like to go to Thailand for three months, where I have a girlfriend with a home and a business. I myself will retire at the end of May. Which visa application method is best for me and which conditions do I have to meet? Is it possible with several times across the border or a real visa, for example a non-O visa?

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I hope to leave for Thailand (Hua Hin) on December 9th. I am 62 years old and have a NON immigrant single entry 90 day visa and at the time of issue in Essen Germany I was told that I will get a 90 day stamp at the customs in Bangkok.

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I have a question about my visa. Go to Thailand every year for 6 months, then also apply for an O visa (I'm 75 years old) and I also take a multi entry, I think I'm always good. However, I will not leave Thailand in those six months. My question is: if I take a single entry, do I not have to leave the country every 90 days, but can I get the 90-day extension from the immigration service?

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The length of stay of my single entry tourist visa ends on December 15. From how many days in advance can I present myself at immigration to obtain an extension of 30 days?

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