Questioner: Tom

I requested and received a single entry, but now that my schedule has changed and I want to enter twice, I actually needed a multiple entry, or I can simply request a single entry again after the first entry.

Reaction RonnyLatYa

1. Do you want a new period of stay? Then you will have to apply for a new visa, because this visa only allows you one entry. You can no longer enter after that. According to the embassy data, Non-O Multiple entry no longer exists.

2. Have you already obtained a period of residence and would you like to leave Thailand now, but would you like to keep the end date upon return? You could then request a re-entry before leaving Thailand. You will then receive the same end date upon your return as the one you previously obtained. But that only makes sense if there are still many days left.

Otherwise, it is better to just come back with a Visa exemption. You get 30 days and you can extend it by another 30 days, which is not possible with a 90-day stay (extend by 30 days).


After receiving the above response, the questioner informed me that he actually has a one-year extension. In that case, the above response is of course not applicable. This is therefore not a Single entry, but a Single re-entry. “Entry” always concerns arrivals with a visa, with which one then obtains a new period of residence.

With “Re-entry” one has previously obtained a period of residence and wants to keep the previously obtained end date. This usually concerns annual extensions, but in principle you could apply for any previously obtained residence period.

The question could have been, for example:

“I have a one-year extension and have applied for a Single re-entry because I want to leave Thailand. I plan to leave Thailand again afterwards. Can I apply for a Single re-entry again after my return?

My answer is then:

Yes, that's possible. You can apply for as many Single re-entry as you want. This will cost you 1000 Baht each time. However, if you know in advance how often you will leave Thailand, you will be financially better off with a Multiple re-entry from 4 times onwards. Always make sure that you are back in Thailand before the end date of that period of stay. If you are too late, a re-entry will not help.

I have now kept both questions together as an example. Not as a personal reproach to the questioner, but to point out to everyone who asks (visa) questions that it is important to clearly describe your questions and use the correct terminology.

If not, you run the risk that the question will be misunderstood and you will not get an answer to your actual problem.

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