Questioner: Bart

Received wrong visa from Thai embassy The Hague. I had applied for a multiple tourist visa and paid 175 Euro, was approved and received the visa form.

After 59 days to Malaysia, Malacca for visa run and short vacation. Upon return to Bangkok at immigration went pretty smoothly, check the stamp in it for 45 days, darn it. Inquired, I wanted 60 days. Show visa form. SINGLE is on it. So they sent a wrong visa form. So I have to do another visa run, I am 12 days short.

Advice to everyone, take a good look at the form you received back.

Ask Ronny how do I get my money back if I paid too much?

Reaction RonnyLatYa

You have to arrange this with the embassy. I can't fix this for you. And furthermore you yourself give all the best advice there is:

“Advice to everyone, take a good look at the form you received back.”

I don't understand why you didn't actually do that yourself. This also applies to your stamp upon entry. If you are only 12 days short, you can also choose to extend those 45 days by 30 days once at immigration.

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