Healthy aging? Start with good nutrition from the age of 40 and stay healthy until the age of 70
Eating healthy from the age of 40 increases the chance of growing old healthily. This is evident from a large study of more than 100.000 Americans, who were followed for 30 years. The study shows that a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains and healthy fats helps prevent chronic diseases and maintain good health.
Question to GP Maarten: I eat unhealthy, which vitamin can I take?
I have been living in Thailand for several years and I am 57 years old, 20 kilos overweight but otherwise healthy, no history either. Which vitamin preparations can I take, as I eat far too few vegetables. Do not reach 500 grams per week!
For several years now I have noticed that I can hardly eat anything in the evening, otherwise I will only sleep a few hours.
My girlfriend went shopping in a “farang food” store. When I get home I notice with surprise that the freshness date of a jar of chocolate pudding is 1 year!! Yes a year! Can someone tell me what standards there are in Thailand regarding the preservatives used?
Food manufacturers are very lavish with sugar. Large amounts of sugar are added to many products such as breakfast cereals, muesli, dairy drinks, cereal bars, fruit juices and ready-to-use sauces. A bottle of ketchup contains no less than 45 sugar cubes. Too much sugar is unhealthy, it can lead to obesity and a greater risk of type 2 diabetes.
Thailand wants to export crickets for consumption
The National Bureau of Agricultural Commodity and Food Standards will support commercial cricket farms with knowledge and advice. Edible crickets should become an important export product. Foreign investors are interested in cricket farms that export to the EU, China, the US and Canada
Anyone who thinks that the food in Thailand is healthy as well as tasty should read Bangkok Post more often. Research shows that 64 percent of vegetables sold in malls and markets are heavily contaminated with toxic pesticides. This is according to a study by the Thailand Pesticide Alert Network.
I have been coming to Thailand for five months for several years now. I would like to know what kind of food you can bring in your luggage. I always bring in two kg of cheese as well as two kg of meat products (dried) But is this allowed?
Over 50 and vitamins: How do you age with vitality?
If you are over fifty, a healthy diet is of course important. But as you get older, your metabolism slows down. As a result, less and less energy is required from the food. No wonder, then, that appetite often decreases with age. However, the need for vitamins and minerals is the same, sometimes even higher.
Prevention: Cholesterol, what's good and what's bad?
Cholesterol is an indispensable substance in our body. It is essential in the construction of cells and tissues and is a raw material in the formation of hormones, vitamins and bile acids. It also helps build the nervous system. Still, you have to watch out for this fatty substance. But what is good and what is bad?