Questioner: Dick

I want to go to Thailand soon on the basis of a visa exemption and have it extended at the immigration office in Khon Kaen and then start the procedure for a Thai Marriage visa. Within the term of the visa exemption I can put the required 400.000,00 thb on my fix account. The other matters such as registration of our marriage have already been arranged.

The only thing I still want to know is whether a Thai Marriage visa also requires hospital insurance?

Reaction Lung Addie

Upon arrival on visa excemption, you will NOW, if you enter Thailand before March 31, 2023, receive a 45-day residence period. (we don't know yet what will happen after 31). You can extend this one time by 30 days. Then you have a 75-day residence period. That is enough to meet the financial requirements as the amount of 400,000THB must be in the Thai account 2 months BEFORE the application. Keep in mind that some Immigration offices dare to ask for 3 months and then those 75 days are not enough.

When applying for the first extension in Khon Kaen, ask what they require: 2 months or 3 months.

If 3 months, no problem either, but then you have to ask for a second extension based on a visit to your wife and that is 60 days on top. So you have more than enough time to meet the financial requirements 45+30= 75 +60d= 135 days.

One month before the expiry of this period of stay, you apply for a conversion to a NON O visa based on Thai Spouse. No problem since you write that everything has already been arranged for the registration of your marriage. You will get an initial stay of 90 days, which you can then extend by 1 year.

If married to a Thai and with a NON O visa you do NOT need hospital insurance. That is only with a NON OA visa.

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