Questioner: William

Financially I meet the requirements, but I would like someone to assist me in completing the forms and, if necessary, to process the application at immigration.

I applied at a visa agency, they asked 14.000 baht, including bank and visa costs.

Response: RonnyLatYa

1. An annual extension costs 1900 Baht, so you just have to compare whether it is worth the 14 Baht. Perhaps one of the readers would like to fill out the documents for you and go with you to immigration. This is not a lot of work or complicated. And once you have done it or someone has shown it to you, you can do it yourself afterwards.

2. Why do they actually charge bank fees if you meet the financial requirements?

3. I don't know any visa offices, but there will certainly be readers who know of them if you want to use them.


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11 responses to “Thailand Visa question No. 085/24: Which visa agency provides good service when extending my retirement visa?”

  1. Gertg says up

    William I
    have been making the entire application for almost 12 years. I'm quite willing to help you
    to assist with the paperwork for the immigration application.

    In general, the procedure is the same everywhere.

    • Willem says up

      Thanks Geert for the offer, I have spoken to someone who will help me.
      If it doesn't work, I will contact you.

  2. Arne says up

    I think that if you meet the financial conditions it can be cheaper than 14.000, usually it is about 5000 baht less. I have lived here for 7 years now and have had it done by an agency for 7 years and I think it is just perfect.

  3. KeesP says up

    Willem, we have been going to a visa agency here in Chiang Mai for years.
    We also meet the required income, and they tell us which documents/copies we need to provide, so that we are not faced with any surprises later at immigration, if there is another change in procedure. Here and in other forums and advertisements, I see amounts that, in my opinion, are way over the top.
    The agency collects all the necessary papers and makes an appointment for us at immigration. At the agreed time at immigration, someone from the agency will also come and do the talking for us. In nine out of ten cases we are back outside with our extension within fifteen minutes.
    The total costs for this are THB 5900 pp including THB 1900 immigration fee, and these have been the same for 6 years.

    • Jos Verbrugge says up

      Dear KeesP,

      Would it be possible to provide the details of the visa office in Chiang Mai?
      Thanks in advance.

  4. Eric Donkaew says up

    Whatever Ronny says, it's pretty easy. A shame about those 14.000 baht. Even a will is more than half cheaper.

    Just download the list of papers you need. You can print and fill it out, but I use the text option in PDF. I always use the digital eraser on the application form and enter the new year. If you have done everything, no one needs to go to the immigration office. Such a person only gets in the way.

  5. Bob Mersie says up

    Where do you live

    • Willem says up


  6. Huub Adank says up

    Dear Mr Eric Donkaew,

    the second part of your text is abacadabra for me and that is why I use a visa agency.

    If all this is so easy for you
    perhaps you can offer your services.

    With regards
    of a 76 year old illiterate.

    For the record. I am not an office man, but have worked in the woods and fields all my life.
    You know, when everything still ran smoothly in a tangible world without screen addiction.

    Was signed by Huub Adank.

    • RonnyLatYa says up

      Digital knowledge is not required at any time to apply for a one-year extension in Thailand.

      That wasn't there 30 years ago either and then I also applied for extensions...
      And actually it can still be done in the same way...
      At immigration you will find a TM7 form to complete your application. Just need a pen….
      You can have copies made anywhere that you need.
      You can obtain bank receipts from the bank or you can obtain proof of income from the embassy/consulate

      So that digital knowledge in itself is not necessary at all... except to use it as an excuse that you cannot do it yourself for that reason.

      Even more... The fact that you can post a response to a TB question here requires more knowledge from you about the digital world than you need to apply for that annual extension... because no digital knowledge is required for that.

      If anyone wants assistance from a visa office for whatever reason, that's fine with me and everyone can do what they want. After all, it's not my money...
      But the fact that one cannot apply for an annual extension because one is said to be illiterate is just a lame excuse.

  7. Lenaerts says up

    The Best
    I went to immigration yesterday to apply for a retirement visa. Very friendly people and they helped quickly. The application was made via affidavit from the Belgian embassy. The officer told me that Belgium is number 1. On the trust of legalization of income. The officer had only need the affidavit. And some copies
    No rental contract, nothing. Nice handling. Thank you also to the embassy for being so appreciated in Belgium

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