Questioner: Fernand

Do you need to apply for re-entry before leaving the country for a border run if you hold a Non-immigrant O Multiple entry visa?

Reaction RonnyLatYa

If you have a Non-immigrant O Multiple entry you can enter Thailand as many times as you want. As long as it is within the validity period of your visa, of course. You will receive a new stay period of 90 days upon each entry.

A re-entry serves to keep a previously obtained residence period when you leave Thailand. This is usually used for annual extensions because people do not want to lose their annual extension.

In your case, a re-entry is therefore unnecessary and useless because you do not have to keep a period of residence.

Your Non-immigrant O Multiple entry visa will grant you a new period of stay of 90 days. Do take into account the validity period of your visa, of course.

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