Questioner: Keith

I am traveling to Thailand on July 23rd and will arrive there on July 24th. My departure date is August 23. So my stay in Thailand is 31 days, 1 day is more than 30 days. So I officially need a visa. I have to go to The Hague 2 times for a visa. That is 360 km. In addition, there is the cost of the visa.

What is the 1 day overstay penalty? Or does anyone have any advice?

Reaction RonnyLatYa

1. If someone makes a problem with it, it will mainly be at check-in on departure. Your return flight is after 31 days of stay and in principle that is one day too much for a Visa Exemption. Will they really make it a problem? I hope not for a day, but you never know who might be there of course.

2. On entry, immigration itself will normally not look at that.

3. On departure, a day's "overstay" is normally not charged at the airport. This means that you can get a mention in your passport, but you normally do not have to pay the 500 Baht fine. That entry in your passport also has no consequences for later.

4. You no longer have to go to The Hague to apply for a visa. Must be online now via this link

You can find what you need for a visa here

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