Questioner: Diya

About documents to be submitted regarding a Non-Imm-O-Thai Marriage. I have a few more questions due to my preparations, but now to RonnyLatYa about the Non-Immigrant O Thai Marriage, category 2.2.

We will soon be moving permanently to Thailand. I myself am Thai but my husband needs a visa. He just wants to go to Thailand on a 30 day basis with a return ticket, then to Immigration for 1 year extension, but I would like more certainty. Maybe all superfluous, I just hope Ronny doesn't blame me. We went through Thailandblog with a sister-in-law, she helps me formulate it.
According to: there are various documents that you must provide. We don't get it right because it all seems unclear.

With regard to “Required Documents” point iv.: Is a printout from the website of ING bank of the pension and state pension payments sufficient?
Point v: For example, is this a letter plus copy ID from my brother in Chiangmai?
Point vi: Is it enough for my brother to declare that we are staying with him?
Point vii: Is a printout from the municipality of the Civil Registry sufficient stating that we are married?
Point viii: Do I have to include a statement that I am still married and that I am accompanying my husband during the trip?

Many things are actually asked twice, as is also apparent with regard to points ix to xi about the passport. But we do what is asked, of course.

Finally: if you are in possession of this Thai Marriage Visa, is a one-way trip sufficient?

Ronny, many thanks in advance for the effort to be made.

Reaction RonnyLatYa

You can of course leave on Visa Exemption, but that does indeed require a return ticket. Moreover, he must first convert that to a Non-immigrant in Thailand before he can apply for a year extension.

 Immediately with a Non-immigrant O is also possible with a one-way trip. He then immediately receives his 90 days, which he can then extend by a year.  

iv. Should normally suffice. You can use an income. Maybe add proof that he is retired. This way you know that it concerns a regular income.

v. Are you actually. Your Thai ID or Thai passport.You are the reason, because you are going to live in Thailand with your husband. 

vi. You must have proof of where you are going to stay and if someone provides you with (temporary) accommodation, that person must confirm this. Include copy of his ID and address book. He must not forget to sign those documents. He can also confirm that he is your brother.

vii. That is the relationship with the person in v. With you and that relationship is a marriage. A proof from the municipality is normally sufficient. Or your marriage certificate if that marriage was also registered in Thailand. 

viii. You can always state that you are still married and that you are permanently emigrating to Thailand. You may mention that you are traveling together.

Attention because important.

I don't know if your marriage is registered in Thailand at the town hall. That is very important for him to later obtain a year extension as a Thai Marriage. If that is not the case, you cannot obtain a year extension as a Thai Marriage.

If he is going to apply for that year extension later as Retired, that is not important. It is not because a visa was applied for as Thai Marriage that a year extension of the period of stay cannot be extended as Retired.

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