Questioner: Ferry

I am considering going to Thailand for the first time without applying for a visa and using the 45-day exemption and then applying for an extension of 30 days. Normally I went with a 60 days visa, but when booking the tickets I made a stupid mistake that left me with an overstay of 1 day.

My question is whether extension is always allowed. I am staying in Hua Hin. How many days before the expiry of the 45-day period do you have to request the extension.

Reaction RonnyLatYa

It is very rare that such extensions are refused. There are therefore hardly any requirements to obtain this extension. Don't think you need to worry about this. If it happens at all, there will be serious reasons for it.

One week before the end of your stay is sufficient. You can also try earlier and it may be allowed, but usually they will say to come back in the last week. That is about the standard period that most immigration offices keep.

Maybe nice to know and actually applies to any extension that is requested. If an extension is declined for any reason, you will still get 7 days. This is to give you the opportunity to leave Thailand within a legal period.

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