Questioner: René

I have a multiple entry retirement visa. This visa contains a stamp: Please contact the immigration Office for a re-entry permit before leaving Thailand. Why do I have to report? And what should be done? Are there costs attached?

My thanks are great.

Reaction RonnyLatYa

Do you have a “multiple entry retirement visa”? Maybe you originally had it, but is it still valid to enter Thailand? Or is it an extension of your period of stay as “Retired”.

The text “Please contact the immigration office for a re-entry permit before leaving Thailand” is not placed by the embassy on a visa, but by immigration on a one-year extension. Since that text was posted by immigration, it means that you have obtained a one-year extension.

This text means that before you leave Thailand, you must apply for a “re-entry”. With this “re-entry” you can then re-enter Thailand and receive the end date of your annual extension. If you do not do this, your extension will expire when you leave Thailand.

A “Single Re-entry” costs 1000 Baht and a “Multiple re-entry” costs 3800 Baht.

You may have even asked for a “Multiple re-entry” because you mentioned “I have a multiple entry retirement visa”, but if so, it is not a “multiple entry retirement visa” but a “year extension with Multiple re-entry”.

It is very important to know the difference between a visa and a one-year extension.

If you can't figure out what you actually have, just send me a copy of your visa and those stamps mentioned in your passport. Then I will explain based on that what you currently have and what is still valid. You do not have to send any personal information. Can you cover up because I don't need it.

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