Questioner: Robert

I find the visa system in Thailand extremely complicated. Thanks to the people who keep explaining it, but I still find it difficult. Now I have met a very nice, sweet, beautiful Thai lady, and have visited her twice this year (in January on a 60 day tourist visa, because I stayed 33 days, and flew on to Australia). And in March (a month later, back from Australia) as a tourist (less than 30 days). So far so good.

We are very much in love... And Living Apart Together at such a distance is very difficult. Don't tell anyone, but I'm considering asking her to marry me. Now I read all the requirements. Some sites mention EITHER 400.000 baht in a Thai account, OR a minimum monthly income of 40.000 Baht (or a combination thereof). Other sites only mention the 400.000.

So, my question, what is the rule now?

I am 63, not yet retired, work as a self-employed person in the Netherlands, with a WIA benefit. Would it perhaps be better to get another visa until I retire? (Despite marriage).

Reaction RonnyLatYa

  1. To apply for a Non-immigrant O Thai Marriage visa as a married person, you must of course first be married (I won't tell you). And that must be an official marriage, in other words it must be officially registered. The financial requirements of a Thai Marriage are

– Bank account of 400 Baht


– Income of 40 Baht per month.

  1. Since you are 63 years old, you are also eligible for a Non-Immigrant O Retired visa. The requirements of a Retired are

– Bank account of 800 Baht


– Income of 65 Baht


– Combination of income and bank amount that together must amount to 800 Baht annually.

It depends on the embassy or immigration office whether they want to accept that combination method.

  1. With both a Non-immigrant O Thai Marriage and a Non-immigrant O Retired you will receive 90 days of residence upon entry. You can then extend this annually for a year. The financial requirements remain the same.
  2. If you are in Thailand as a Tourist (Visa exemption or Tourist Visa) you can also obtain these visas in Thailand by converting your Tourist status to a Non-immigrant. If approved, you will first receive 90 days, which you can then later extend for a year.

The requirements to obtain Non-immigrant status can be found here:

Thai Marriage


  1. It is best to go to your immigration office. There are always lists there about what exactly they want to see from you if you want to renew or possibly convert your Tourist to a Non-immigrant O

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