Navigating language barriers in Thailand is a challenge for many foreigners, especially when it comes to the 'basic Thai' that many speak. Many expats and emigrants find themselves in a world where communication often requires more than just words. Atlas van Puffelen shares his experiences and reflects on the importance of language in relationships, work and daily life in Thailand.

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Dear readers,

Every year when we go on holiday to Thailand, I stay with my Thai partner in the province of Surin.
Now that we are going longer every year, I have more time left and I would like to spend it as pleasantly as possible.

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Anyone who has or has had a romantic relationship with a Thai knows firsthand the cold grip of “ngon” – the uniquely Thai posture, which is somewhere between pouting, angry and disappointed. Opposite is “ngor”, the act of trying to remove those disappointment and hurt feelings.

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I am looking for someone who can help me in mediation in medical care. My father is in Srinagarind Hospital with acute liver failure, is very ill and difficult to talk to and the contact with the doctors is minimal. We have come over to assist him but get little cooperation.

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I think that the language barrier in a mixed marriage sometimes hinders a deep conversation. Do you experience the same? Since we now live permanently in Thailand, should we force ourselves to learn THEIR language (which is far from easy)?

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I hear and read that KLM communicates so clearly on its website. However, I hardly notice it myself.

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