Magnesium is an important mineral that is also able to lower your blood pressure. This is further confirmed by the results of a meta-study, see here:

The researchers examined 34 previous studies involving 2028 subjects. The blood pressure-lowering effect of magnesium turned out to be unspectacular, but according to the researchers, it could be the difference between having a stroke or not.

Another problem is that cheap magnesium supplements are poorly absorbed by the body. An example of this is magnesium oxide. The blood pressure lowering effect is probably higher if you choose magnesium citrate, for example.

Magnesium important for your health

The essential (macro) mineral magnesium is extremely important for health. Magnesium is the fourth mineral in the body in terms of quantity, after calcium, potassium and sodium. The body contains approximately 21 to 28 grams of magnesium; 60% of it is built into bone tissue and teeth; 20% is in muscles, 20% in other soft tissues and liver, less than 1% circulates in the blood. Of all magnesium, 99% is located in cells (intracellular) or in bone tissue and 1% in the extracellular space.

Insufficient dietary intake of magnesium leads to health problems and increases the risk of a series of chronic diseases, including osteoporosis, type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease. As in other (industrialized) countries, the diet of many Dutch people contains less magnesium than recommended. The RIVM Food Consumption Survey (VCP) shows that approximately 22 percent of adult women and 27 percent of adult men consume less magnesium than recommended. For young people between the ages of 14 and 18, this figure is as high as 60 to 75 percent.

With a reduced magnesium status, it is first of all important to improve the diet and to eat more magnesium-rich foods, such as whole grain products, nuts, dark chocolate, green leafy vegetables and soy. You can also opt for a supplement. Then choose organic magnesium compounds such as amino acid chelates (magnesium bisglycinate), gluconates and citrates. These are better absorbed than inorganic magnesium compounds (oxides, carbonates) and do not cause gastrointestinal complaints such as diarrhoea.

Sources: Health Net, Orthoknowledge and Life Unlimited.

2 thoughts on “Lower your blood pressure with magnesium”

  1. Mr.Bojangles says up

    I eat a banana daily for magnesium. strange that they are not mentioned.

    • Khan Peter says up

      Bananas mainly contain a lot of potassium and less magnesium. Potassium lowers blood pressure much more than magnesium, so great if you have high blood pressure.

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