Questioner: Christian

My question is how is it this month because of the 90 days notice? And where can I find the info of any decisions of exemption due to covid? I have a visa non im o multiple entry valid until October 20.

Reaction RonnyLatYa

For now, everyone can stay until July 31. This also means that no one is obliged to make reports for 90 days until that date. But of course you can.

Concerns the exemption until July 31.

รัฐบาลอนุญาตให้คนต่างด้าว อยู่ในไทยได้ถึง 31 กรกฎาคม 2563

What will happen from that date is not yet known. A possible extension of that date is being considered, but it can still go either way in that regard.

Subsequently…. ?

– Either that period will be extended again after 31 July until ….

– Either you get the chance to extend. But for how long, how often and what will the conditions be?

– Either the borders are open and you could make a “Borderrun”. But what are the requirements of the other country? And suppose you can enter there and suppose you still have a valid Multiple entry in your passport as in your case, then the question is whether you can meet any additional requirements to re-enter Thailand?

– Or they just say that you have already been given enough time to leave Thailand before July 31 and you just have to get out….

– But maybe there will be other solutions, such as not having to make a “border run”. Maybe with a still valid Multiple entry, as in your case, they will get a new residence period of 60 or 90 days at immigration without having to make a “border run”… Who knows?

If you can meet the conditions, a year extension may be a solution in your case. Costs you 1900 Baht and then you keep everything under control until next year. You then choose when you leave Thailand. At least if it is not too late to ask for that year extension now.

It remains to be seen what they will conjure up from their hat. Can still go either way.

Nothing has been decided on this until today (04/07/20). Maybe we'll get more news on that in the course of next week.



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