Questioner: Loe

When can or must I apply for an extension of 90 days or a year at the latest? This is due to the timely deposit of the 800.000 baht. I now have a Non imm O multiple entry valid until 28-10-2022. On Sept 21 I enter Thailand and get a 90 day stamp. so that will be departure around December 20th.

Which date determines the application, the visa date or the entry stamp in my passport?

I will then go back to the Netherlands from 29 Nov to 31 Dec. If I come back in January, can I apply for a re-entry with the 90-day extension approval and then an extension in January for a year with multiple entries or am I missing something?

I asked the above question in August. Today, September 30, I went to the Immigration in Nakhon Phanom to hand in my TM30 form. This went well. But when I then asked when I could request the extension, the doubts started.

The end of the story was that 30 days before my multiple entry visa expires on October 28, I can apply for my extension and at the latest a few days before October 28. The stamp I received in my pass says admitted 21 Sept 2022 until 19 Dec 2022. Since your opinion is that I could start my extension from November 19 and had to apply for it before Dec 19. Please check your answer again, otherwise if the immigration date is correct I will have deposited my 800.000 baht too late. So they assume that the visa expires on October 28, so I have to apply for an extension before that date, but I had the idea that all dates and stamps are also mixed up.

Reaction RonnyLatYa

As I will have already said, you can only get a year extension. You cannot extend for 90 days and a bank amount must always be on the account at least 2 months before the application date. Follow-up applications sometimes even 3 months.

The end date of your Non-immigrant O visa, ie the end date of the validity period of your visa, is completely unimportant when applying for a (year) extension. In your case, the end date of your Non-immigrant O Multiple entry is October 28, but this is something you should not take into account when applying for a year extension. It just means that you can enter with that visa until October 28. The validity date of your visa has nothing to do with the period that you are allowed to stay in Thailand. You cannot extend the validity period of your visa in any way. It is the end date of your period of stay obtained with that visa that is important for your extension. In your case, that period of stay runs from September 21 to December 19.

By default, you can start applying for a year extension 30 days before the end of that period of stay, although there are immigration offices that also accept it 45 days before. In your case, you can then start the application from 19 or perhaps as early as 4 November. That means that if you use a bank amount of 800 Baht and you submit the application on November 000, the amount must be available before September 4, or before September 4 if you submit the application on November 19.

You can also wait until the last day, ie December 19, to apply for your annual extension, but since you are going to the Netherlands from November 29 to December 31, you must apply before November 29, and preferably a little earlier. Do you of course also have to apply for a re-entry for that year extension, otherwise it will expire when you leave Thailand.

An option to consider.

You can also request a re-entry on your current period of stay from September 21 to December 19. You will then again receive December 19 as the end date upon entry. You can then apply for that year extension upon your return. Make sure that you are back before December 19, of course, and preferably a little earlier, but apparently you only come back on December 31, which is too late for that option.

Another option you can consider. Since your Non-immigrant O Multiple entry is valid until October 28, you could make another Borderrun before October 28. You will then receive a new period of stay upon entry. Suppose you were to make another border run on October 20, then you would get a new residence period from October 20 to January 18 sometime (I didn't calculate it exactly, but it will be something like that, ie 90 days after October 20).

If you first take a re-entry before leaving Thailand, you can go to the Netherlands from November 29 and December 31 as planned. When you return on December 31, you will then receive a stay period until January 18. There was plenty of time to apply for your annual extension in January. Before January 18. Here too, make sure that your bank amount of 800 Baht is on it for 000 months. Should be sometime early November.

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