Questioner: Unkelwin

I just read in your valued comment that one can extend a Visa Examption once at Immigration, that was indeed known. That extension then applies for 30 days, or for 60 days if you are married. The latter is new to me.

This means that I will be able to enter Thailand for 45 (upon entry) + 60 (after extension) = 105 days. When I do a border run afterwards and come in by plane again, I can repeat that again.

We normally go for two to three months and then don't actually have to apply for a visa.

Then what do I need at Immigration to prove we are married?

Reaction RonnyLatYa

It is about a marriage with a Thai of course, not just because you are married. 105 days is possible and even 135 days should even be possible.

You could first request an extension of 30 days as a Tourist and then again as a Thai Marriage. The latter actually has the reason “Visit Thai wife or Thai child”. But you have to be careful. Some immigration offices only allow 1 extension of a Visa Exemption period. You then have to choose either 30 as a Tourist or 60 as a Thai Marriage. You should inquire locally.

The extension as a “visit Thai Wife/child” must of course be proven. You will then have to prove your Thai marriage and for that it will have to be registered in Thailand (Kor Ror 22). Your wife must of course also prove her address in Thailand. But it depends on how strict they check all that in your immigration office.

Have a look here:

12. Immigration Order 327/2557 (2014) basis for extension of stay translated by Siam Translation for

16. Immigration Bureau Order 138/2557 documents for extension of stay translated by Siam Translation for

Under points 2.4 and 2.24

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