Questioner: Eric Bergers

I am going to apply for an O visa, married to Thai, single entry. Can I extend my visa once for 90 days after a stay of 90 days?

Can a multiple entry visa help to stay 90 days longer?

Thank you for your very interesting column.

Reaction RonnyLatYa

Normally, an extension of your period of stay, obtained with a Non-O, is only possible for:

– one year and if you meet the conditions for a year extension (Retired, Thai marriage, Thai child)
– 60 days as a Thai Marriage, Thai child. Is then regarded as visiting your wife or Thai child.

For the latter, see also NR 24 – In the case of visiting a spouse or children who are of Thai nationality:

on this link Visa Extension – สำนักงานตรวจคนเข้าเมือง – Immigration Bureau

A Multiple entry in itself makes no difference. Multiple entry refers to entries. In other words, you must enter Thailand to obtain a new residence period. This is not an extension of an earlier period. Was used very much before the Corona period and that was called a "border run". People left Thailand and re-entered the same day or a few days later. They then received another 90 days for each entry.

However, because the borders over land are closed for this and you have to apply for a CoE again for each entry, go through any quarantine, etc., this is no longer really an option. In addition, you must of course also meet the entry requirements and Corona measures of the country you want to go to.

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