Questioner: Lenaerts

Dear Ronny, a few days ago you answered me professionally regarding my visa O. I have decided to apply for a TR visa/single entry. My questions now:

  1. I would like to have this Tourist visa converted to a visa O after staying in Thailand for 2 consecutive months.
  2. Do you perhaps know what requirements they set to have a Tourist visa converted to a non visa O?
  3. I read on the website that only a few immigration offices have the power of attorney to convert this Tourist visa into a Non O visa. I'm going to stay in Kalasin, can I have my TR visa converted to visa O there, do you know that or do I have to go back to Bangkok for this? If BKK would like the address and division.

Thanks again to all the team

Reaction RonnyLatYa

1. You can, but it is always immigration that decides individually whether to allow it or not.

2. These are roughly the same requirements as one would ask for an annual extension. Last time I already sent you the form with which you can request that change. You should ask your immigration office what exactly they want to see as there may also be local requirements. Do not forget that there must be at least 14 days of stay left when applying for that conversion, because you will not receive it immediately. Usually lasts a week.

You will already need this

  • Application form TM 86 – Change of Visa completed and signed. (See appendix)
  • Passport photo
  • 2000 Baht for converting to Non-immigrant
  • Passport and copy of all passport page
  • Copy TM6
  • Copy TM30 report
  • Financial proofs – Bank amount or income or combination
  • Proof of address such as a rental contract

Upon acceptance, you will first obtain a residence period of 90 days. You can then extend those 90 days for another year in the usual way.

3. Any immigration office can receive that application, but most will have to send it to Bangkok for approval. Some can decide for themselves. That is why it takes a while before you receive confirmation of this and that is why there must still be 14 days of stay left when submitting the application.

4. I also sent you info a few days ago that you can also apply for a Non-immigrant O Retired in the Thai embassy in Brussels, although it is not mentioned on their website.

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