Questioner: Omer Poschet

I have seen on the website of the Embassy of Thailand in Brussels that there are two types of non-immigrant “O” visa listed. One for family visits, the other as a retirement. Do you still need Thai health insurance if you apply for such a visa for retirement?

If you apply for a visa for a family visit, can you convert it to a retirement visa without health insurance? I had always read on the blog that if one has a non-immigrant “O” visa one does not need health insurance.

Reaction RonnyLatYa

If you apply for a Non-immigrant O Retired, insurance is required. Just as it says. Has been so for a long time.

“Health insurance policy document from either foreign or Thai insurers for the entire intended period of stay in Thailand with the following coverage:

Outpatient benefit with a sum assured of not less than 40,000 THB and Inpatient benefit with a sum assured of not less than 400,000 THB covering the whole period of stay in Thailand”

Non-immigrant “O” Retirement (pensioner aged 50 or above with a state pension who wishes to stay in Thailand for no longer than 90 days) – Royal Thai Embassy Brussels

If you apply for a Non-immigrant O family (Thai marriage/Thai child), insurance is not required. Therefore it is not there.

Non-immigrant Visa “O” Visiting or staying with applicant's family resided in Thailand (more than 60 days) – Royal Thai Embassy Brussels

Regardless of what kind of Non-immigrant O you have applied for (Retired, Thai marriage), you have the choice to extend that period of stay as Retired or as Thai Marriage. If you meet the requirements, of course. In that case, insurance is not required for an extension in Thailand.

Note: Does not apply if you are going to extend a period of residence obtained with a Non-immigrant OA as Retired. In that case, insurance will be required.

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