Questioner: Founding Father

Re-entry stamp obtained, what to do with a 90-day notification?

Yesterday I got a re-entry stamp and on Friday April 8 I fly to the Netherlands for 2 months. If I were to stay in Thailand, I would have had to file a new 29-day report around April 90. It is the first time for me that I use a re-entry and my stay period will run until November.

Can someone tell me whether or not I have to report for 90 days, since I am leaving Thailand for 8 months on April 2 for XNUMX months?

Reaction RonnyLatYa

The re-entry stamp and your 90-day notification are separate. The re-entry stamp ensures that your current period of stay is retained when you leave Thailand and that you receive the end date of your current period of stay when you return. In other words, because of that re-entry stamp you will receive an arrival stamp within 2 months with an end date that corresponds to the current one, which runs until November.

The 90-day report concerns an address report that must be made during 90 days of uninterrupted residence in Thailand and also the subsequent periods of 90 days of uninterrupted residence.

When you leave Thailand, you have not been in Thailand uninterruptedly. Your 90 day count then expires on the day you leave Thailand. The count starts again from 1 on the day of return. In other words, the next 90 day notification date is 90 days after your return.

You can also read it on the Immigration website


If a foreigner leaves the country and re-enters, the day count starts at 1 in every case.”

Notification of staying in the Kingdom over 90 days – สำนักงานตรวจคนเข้าเมือง – Immigration Bureau

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