Questioner: Jack

I have a question about my visa O. How many times can I get a tourist visa for 60 days per year? I understand that you get 30 days access twice a year through a border run?

Reaction RonnyLatYa

Your question is quite confusing. You say you have a question about your visa O. You then ask how many times you can obtain a tourist visa, and then switch to a Visa Exemption again.

1. About the Visa O. I don't know what your question is, so I can't answer it.

2. In principle, you can apply for as many tourist visas as you want. Local rules are sometimes that you can only apply for 2 in a row. If you want a third party, you must use another embassy/consulate. This is the case in Vientiane, among others.

Also remember that there is also a Multiple entry Tourist visa (METV). You can only apply in the country of which you have the nationality or where you are officially registered.

3. Entry on “Visa Exemption” is possible via a land border post a maximum of 2 times per calendar year. In principle, this is unlimited via an airport, but you often come in and especially “back to back” you can sometimes get questions.



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