Questioner: Henry

I can't find that the following situation has ever been discussed on Thailandblog. My husband and I live in Thailand. I work for the UN and my husband (retired) is my “dependent” for the UN. I will retire in 3 weeks (28 February I will be 65 years old).

My husband and I now have a stay permit and non-immigrant re-entry visa catergoy “F”. These are arranged annually by the employer (for many years). The date on the last/current stamps gives right of residence until March 31.

Since we want to stay in Thailand, I asked the UNDP what we should do for a retirement visa. Reference was made to the immigration website for the conditions for extension on the basis of retirement (which amounts to the income requirement, which we both meet independently), with the addition “However the current visa/stay permit in Thailand attached to UNFPA /UNDP must be canceled by Immigration Authorities [please contact UNFPA focal person] before you and spouse apply for retirement visa.”

I have not received an answer to further questions. It is not entirely clear to me, but I understand that I have to cancel our current visa through the UN on March 1 and then immediately apply for a retirement visa.

Do you know whether that is correct: following a non-immigrant F visa, can we (each of us) immediately get an extension based on retirement? And if not what is the procedure or how do we find out? In how much time can this be done and what is needed?

Many thanks in advance.

Reaction RonnyLatYa

The period of stay that was arranged annually by your employer must be canceled at immigration. This is because the circumstances under which the period of residence was obtained no longer exist. You no longer work for that employer because you are retiring. Also applies to your work permit. Or does that have to be done through the UN? I think it is sufficient that you have proof from your employer that your employment contract is ending and that you can arrange this yourself.

At the same time, I think you can immediately apply for a new year extension, but under the conditions “Retired”. I understand you meet the conditions (age, financial, etc..). One of them could now also pass as a “Dependent” if you want.

The conditions for obtaining a year extension as “Retired” only state that the applicant must have a Non-immigrant visa. Not that this specifically has to be an “O” to get that year extension as “Retired”. With that "F" you have obtained the status of Non-immigrant and this should also suffice. But it is also possible that you will first get a stamp in the passport that will state that the original “F” will be converted to an “O”, and you may initially only get 90 days, which you will be able to extend later. as "Retired".

Visa Extension – Immigration Division1 | 1

See 22. Visa Extension – In the case of Retirement

But what you should definitely do first is as your organization said and contact that local UNFPA person. Surely you will not be the only one who has ever had to deal with this and I suspect that there must be some experience with that situation (terminating the period of residence and then applying for retirement)

And important, and I certainly wouldn't wait with that, is to contact your local immigration office for the necessary information about this. I can only tell you what the rules are. How people see it in practice, how they will approach it and which documents they want to see at immigration are best asked at your local immigration office and especially in good time. February 28 is fast approaching.

Such a situation is less common, but if there are readers who have experience with this, they can always let us know.

I would like to be kept informed of the further progress because I may be able to help others in the future. Maybe you can summarize the whole process afterwards and we'll post it as an Immigration Info Brief.

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