Questioner: Willy

I have a Non-O Visa. My retirement “visa” expires on May 10. Can I extend my retirement “Visa” here at the Thai embassy and if so, how?

I know I can do that in “Immigration Office” in Thailand, provided the 800K are in my bank account. But I will only be able to be in Thailand after the expiry date of my retirement “visa”.

Does anyone have experience with this?

Thank you very much for your wise advice.

Reaction RonnyLatYa

The answer to that is actually simple. You can only apply for an extension of a period of residence within Thailand, at an immigration office. You cannot obtain extensions at a Thai embassy.

If you return to Thailand after the expiry of your period of stay or without a re-entry, you will have to start all over again with a Non-immigrant visa before you can obtain another year extension.

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