Questioner: Lunghan

I have a guest from the Netherlands who I want to register online with a downloaded TM30. I can log in at immigration with email and password for 90 days, but I am refused when registering for guests. Is a special authorization (such as hotels, guesthouses, etc.) required for this? Tried it a dozen times, but every time a Thai message.

I don't really feel like standing in line for hours in Jomtien, but you have to report this within 24 hours. Does Ronny happen to have a solution for this?

Reaction RonnyLatYa

I don't use it myself, but I think you will first have to make a new registration online on the TM30 link. By which I mean that you cannot log in to the TM30 with the credentials of the TM47. Try that first and let us know if it worked.

Immigration Bureau

As I said, I don't use it myself, but maybe there are readers who can help you with logging in.


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6 Responses to “Thailand Visa question No. 031/23: TM30 notification online, how to apply online?”

  1. wim says up

    I always do it via the app and it is very easy.

    You must first create an account, send property or rental agreement, that will be checked and if found OK, you will be assigned an account.

    This will probably not work within 24 hours, although it was arranged quite quickly for me at the time.

  2. Francois Nang Las says up

    I've been doing that for a number of years without any problems, first via the computer and now via the app (section 38 it's called). You do have to register first. At the time, this was only possible via the website. You will then receive login details that you can also use in the app. I don't remember how fast or slow that went. In any case, I would register asap, then you are ready for next time.

  3. Huib says up

    I have already registered TM2 twice, I did not have a house in my name, but I gave it to a tenant and it was no problem. This was in Bueng Kan. Perhaps they are easier there than anything else. Within 30 days I was able to register with TM2 online.

  4. john says up

    I was just yesterday in Soi 5 Jomtien. Almost empty. Advice go on late morning or afternoon. There is now a special counter in a tent in the parking lot

  5. conimex says up

    When you are going to register, fill in the address as it is stated in the ' Tambien Baan ', they suddenly made it difficult for me, I had mentioned the soi and it is not mentioned in the ' Tambien Baan ' I am already a registered like this for a few years and suddenly the same lady who has been helping me for years started acting difficult.

  6. Lunghan says up

    John, I was at immigration in soi 5 yesterday, there was a queue of about half an hour, three rows under the tent, so I don't know where you've been in Jomtien, but at least not at immigration.
    Busy every day.

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