Questioner: Ron

Visa exempt. If available cash was requested: should it be the equivalent of THB 10.000 or 20.000? On different sites, I read these different amounts.

Reaction RonnyLatYa

It was always 10 Baht for a Visa Exemption, but I also regularly read that it has been increased to 000 Baht. The website of the Thai embassy in Brussels normally also lists 20 Baht, but is currently offline. I cannot immediately find it on the website of the Thai embassy in The Hague.

So I looked at another Thai embassy/consulate and, for example, the Royal Thai Consulate-General, Los Angeles writes.

“Travelers entering Thailand under the Tourist Visa Exemption Scheme must possess adequate cash or or

equivalent to 20,000 Baht per person or 40,000 Baht per family.”

Tourist visa exemption scheme – (

So I would take 20 Baht as a reference.

However, it is very unlikely that people will ask that. Or you had to plan to come to VE several times in a row. Then of course the question may arise.

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