Questioner: Alex

I had applied for a Non Immigrant O. But I got a Tourist TR visa. What can I do best? My stay is near Aranyaprathet.

Is it best to make a border run or go to the immigration office?

Reaction RonnyLatYa

  1. I also don't know why the embassy decided to assign you a Tourist instead of a Non-Immigrant. You have to ask them.
  1. What you can do now depends on how long you want to stay.

Also depends on which Tourist visa you have obtained. If it is a Single entry, you can extend the 60 days once by 30 days at immigration. If it is a Multiple entry, you can also extend the 60 days by 30 days, but you can also obtain another 60 days through border runs, which you can also extend by 30 days. As long as those “border runs” happen within the validity period of your visa. That is 6 months.

You can also make “border runs” on the basis of a Visa exemption if your visa has been used or its validity period has expired. This also gives you 30 days, which you can also extend once by 30 days.

Please note that Visa exemption via a land border post is limited to 2 times per year.

Moreover, Aranyaprathet does not have a good reputation as far as border posts are concerned.

  1. You can also go to immigration and request a conversion from Tourist to Non-immigrant. This is necessary if you want to ask for a one-year extension afterwards.

You can find what you need for this here.

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Please note that there must always be 15 days of accommodation remaining when submitting the application, as you will not receive this immediately.

If allowed, you will obtain the status of Non-immigrant O and you will first obtain 90 days of residence, just like someone who entered with a Non-immigrant O. You can then extend those 90 days for a year and repeat this annually.

Make sure when you leave the country that you first request a re-entry and do not forget to confirm your address every 90 days, but this can also be done online

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