EO on the Thai tour

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July 12, 2011

In the EO program 'Destination Unknown', presenter Klaas van Kruistum challenges two young people to op travel to go to a place where they have no idea at all. In one of the episodes, two young Dutch girls travel to the Thai seaside resort of Pattaya.

“In the midst of beer and Dutch hits, Anne (18) and Lisa (20), two sisters from Waspik in Brabant say 'yes' to Klaas' challenge to join them on a journey to an unknown destination. If they hear that at the airport Thailand their final destination, the journey can no longer be broken. Until they arrive in Pattaya. The city where everything revolves around sex and the girls have to work in the tough world of prostitution.”

With these words, the EO announces this episode. Here we go again, I think to myself. That Pattaya is known for sex tourism is an open secret. I am therefore not surprised that this episode is only viewed through Western glasses. The Thai ladies are constantly called 'whores', it is all very bad and especially pathetic and at the end the two Dutch girls also burst into tears.

Whether it's pathetic or not I'd rather leave it in the middle. The EO does forget, however, that this is taking place in a completely different part of the world, namely Asia, where these kinds of things are viewed very differently than in the Western world. My conclusion is that the images are nice and give a nice picture of Pattaya, but that the idea behind this episode is very subjective.

I'm curious what your opinion is on this. You can watch the video below. Keep it neat and like to discuss at a level, so that we can all benefit from it.

74 responses to “EO on the Thai tour”

  1. Well, full of clichés and half-truths. Also funny. Thai ladies who say "yes" to everything. Again, “it is not what it seems!”

  2. Gerard says up

    Not a real picture. So you see two of those spoiled Dutch crybabies, who really don't understand anything in that completely different world without benefits. There you MUST do this work to earn some money. Alas, but true !!!

  3. Andrew says up

    Apparently Peter watched this program in the Netherlands.
    In Thailand, such a thing is hardly possible. Despite the terribly new and fast PC and new thick cabling, that thing stops every second to load. (ADSL)
    According to the technician of TOT there is nothing to do about this because of the internet speed here. (with a laptop hey seems to be even worse)
    Unfortunately no response.

    • Robert says up

      I have high speed ADSL from True. No problem here.

      • Andrew says up

        Thank you for the tip robert. I already knew that that exists. You can't ignore that they try (and rightly so) to sell you everywhere.
        But our project developer who built this mubaan has adopted something from TOT to keep true out. Something that is all about (also in pattaya)
        Do you understand? and we are the hare….

        • frank says up

          I have been watching Dutch TV via TTeenT internet for a year now (all channels), it works perfectly; so their connection is good at the moment. Have sophon internet as a backup.

    • peterphuket says up

      Hello Andrew, I myself have 3bb here in the “inlands”, although ADSL but not really fast, what you can do and in my case helps is set the video quality to “low”, then it usually works. You then have a small image size about a double stamp, but it doesn't falter. Yet another problem that can arise with Ned. TV programs on a computer in Thailand is that it is not allowed from Ned. In that case you have to take a proxy and send it via Ned. let it “walk” even then it can be seen.


      • Andrew says up

        Thank you. I have now set the video quality to “normal” and it is OK now

        • nick says up

          With me too; that thailand blog sometimes gives very practical tips! Thank you.

          • nick says up

            Another practical thing: to my surprise, I suddenly couldn't watch any video clips, no matter how hard I tried to reinstall my Flash Player. After much hassle we found out that the cause was my upgrade from Internet Explorer 8 to IE9 .
            You think that with an upgrade everything gets better, but that is apparently not always the case. As soon as I went back to IE 8, my Flash Player worked again. Don't ask me why.

  4. Robert says up

    Related…Mormons in Thailand! 😉 as always a razor-sharp piece of Not the Nation!


  5. john says up

    The ladies look at pattaya through Dutch glasses. The Thais seem to have a different view on this. In addition, there are a thousand and one different reasons to work there in the bar. Even women who have a reasonably good job still go there to provide their services. A bit one-sided and the teenage ladies are a bit fooled by some of the ladies in this video. The video can also be viewed at uitzenggemist.

  6. Robert says up

    Well, well meant all. 'Get a lady off the street/from the bar'; many have already tried and failed. 'She's so sweet, she'll definitely call' Ha! The English class is also a bit naive of course – completely unaware of the fact that those girls want to because speaking better English will bring more customers. It is also wrong to talk about 'pimps'; you usually just don't have that in Thailand and explaining the barfine system is apparently a step too far.

    Of course it remains a harrowing story; with better education and opportunities, a lot of those girls wouldn't be driven into prostitution. But programs like this do little to gain real understanding and understanding of the situation. Sorry, missed opportunity.

    • Robert says up

      I do have a lot of respect for what that older Dutch lady does. And that will work for some of those girls, they will be happier in the kitchen/bakery than in the bar. But the reality is also that for every one of those ladies you can find ten or more who will never give up their lucrative existence in the bar. That side is of course not discussed here.

    • Andrew says up

      Robert one of our two sons has been working in pattaya for years.In the tourist industry mainly koreans who come to "wave".Russian ladies (of easy morals) come there all-night rate thb5000.thb 1500 to the protector (uncle cop without uniform ) I think the pimp is thb500 to our son. THb3000 to the russin. These protectors (pimps) have everything under control and also have spies in every bar. No hoky poky here nothing to mess around with the Russians.
      Other Russians let themselves be pampered by Korean boys. Rate short (there is no all-night) THB 1500 for our son 500 and 1000 for the Korean. The smiecht sometimes has 8 in a day. the appointment.
      If you want to remove an esan from the circuit, you have to pay the bar owner (actually the pimp). After all, he has invested. It seems to me to be playing with fire. This lady with glasses seems a bit idealistic to me.
      Yes, and those people from the EO are watching this broadcast through Dutch glasses. That makes sense.
      Because they are Dutch.
      Yes, and then those two sisters from Waspik: it was all a bit disappointing, but why are you persuaded to get on a plane if you don't know the final destination and the purpose of the program?

  7. Gringo says up

    What an utterly disgusting program. I only half watched it, because it spontaneously gives me pimples and vomiting. I don't even want to discuss the content, the story Robert sent from Not The Nation is very appropriate.

    • nick says up

      @Gringo, totally agree, but what else can you expect from the EO.
      It also reminded me of that BNN report with that sickly little presenter (I forget his name), who died years ago now, who accompanies under-cover police in Manila (Philippines) on the hunt for street hookers.
      And once they get a hold of such a soul and pose as customers and then let her explain all kinds of confidenations about her experience and what to expect from her, the BNN camera eagerly records it all, until the girl catches on and is embarrassed further silent.Bah, what a disgusting voyeurism at the expense of such a vulnerable group in society..
      Similarly, in previous years you had a group of militant and fanatical Christian fundamentalists, burly fellows of course, who, in the nightlife hotspots of Bangkok and Pattaya, shouted out passages from the Bible that apparently applied to what happened there. Many farangs were furious about this, but the Thais turned out to be very indifferent. But nowadays you don't see those guys anymore, so maybe they got banned after all.

      • nick says up

        Sorry, 'Manila' should be 'Chiangmai and Pattaya'. Please correct.

        • nick says up

          Wasn't that presenter called Bart de Grave?

          • Mike37 says up

            The founder of BNN was called Bart de Graaf

            • nick says up

              Thanks Miep, certain things become less like memory when you are 71 years old, but otherwise 'going strong'.

              • Mike37 says up

                Tis MieK instead of MieP so the eyes….

                (just kidding, sorry couldn't resist) ;-))

              • nick says up

                Nice joke, Miet, come by…..!

              • Mike37 says up

                Nah, I also believe that the rest still works, Piet. 😉

    • @ I saw it on TV. Of course, the EO is not concerned with the real story. It is the well-known tune as you can read everywhere. Words like sex tourists and pathetic hookers who are exploited do well on the screen. Especially emphasize that they only do it to support the family. As said half truths because the reality is different. The ladies in the bar also know what role to play towards the press. They are smart enough for that.
      I always have to chuckle at those kinds of superficial programs and think, “if only you knew”.

      • Gringo says up

        I wouldn't be surprised if that EO presenter and cameraman dived into the suitcase with a beautiful Thai wench on their day off.

        • @Gringo haha. That is also a regular occurrence with TV crews and journalists. Heard a lot of stories about it.

        • cor verhoef says up

          The EO (erotic broadcaster) is coming to you this summer!!

    • ruud says up

      I watched it all the way through to get a better opinion, but there is no difference from Gringo. Very one-sided program. You take two girls from a bar in the Netherlands, where some girls also sell themselves for a breezer in the toilet and you don't hear them talking about it. They are put in the bars for a week and beyond and are told that they are going to the greatest sex city of Asia where there are thousands of whores etc etc etc. Of course there are whores, but a lot of those girls are also so-called holiday sweethearts for the holiday geek, who are companions (perhaps too nice a word), etc. For example, it is not said that they have to work in Thailand and otherwise have no money. In the Netherlands you leave school and if there is no work you go to social services or sometimes you have parents who support you. The pocket money in the Netherlands for a week is higher than the monthly salary for a Thai. Nothing is said about the culture. Sex in Thailand is largely only important for money. In the northern provinces, Thai girls grew up with being a good hostess and giving your guests what they want, etc. etc. Not enough to explain this in more detail, but the real Thai visitor or resident probably knows what I mean. It's a shame to make such a one-sided program so cheaply, without providing further background information. Some of those girls can also work in a restaurant, a shop, etc., etc., but they opt for big money because they can sometimes support 10 to 15 people at home. And Thailand is not the Netherlands. Another program in which we talk about how things are so bad elsewhere and everything is so good here. Improve the world and start with your own breezer EO.

      • ruud says up

        sorry for the mistakes. Was angry and had to respond nicely right !!!??

      • Robert says up

        Ruud, agree with you for the most part, except for your 'holiday love' and 'companion lady' story. The fact that it sometimes takes that form, partly because of cultural differences, large income differences between prostitute and customer, and because Thai ladies can act extremely well and understand perfectly what men like, does not mean that it is; bargirl is really a euphemism for prostitute, or whore, to put it more bluntly. Don't kid yourself boy, we see enough of them passing by here who think their 'holiday love' is just that little bit different.

        • ruud says up

          I don't know who "we" is in your answer. If you know my reactions, you know that I am coming to Thailand for the 14th time this year. 14 x 3 months is 42 months of Thailand experience, Thai friends and my eyes are not in my pocket, so I am not fooling myself. I can see everything in perspective. but why always call all those women whores? When another plane arrives, we will also call those men whoremongers. Why so flat, as the broadcast also shows. EO must show a better feeling for fellow human beings than here in the report on Pattaya

        • Robert says up

          I don't know if you're talking about me, but I certainly don't call 'all those women' whores. I'm just saying that you should keep in mind that bargirls are ultimately just prostitutes, and not 'holiday sweethearts' or 'company ladies'. If you are already aware of this, that's fine, right? You don't have to defend yourself to me or others. However, I (and many others who live here, hence the 'we') have seen many cases who have some difficulty seeing paid love for what it is, with all its consequences. So I thought a warning was appropriate regarding the 'holiday love' story. Not that I have ever met anyone who would appreciate such advice 😉

  8. Robert says up

    Funny, by the way, that the ladies come from 'Waspik'. If I had been the producer I would have sent them to one of the soapie massages on Rachadapisek as a joke. 😉

    • peterphuket says up

      I think I heard clearly that they came from Sprang-Capelle, not so far from Waspik, but still….

      • Andrew says up

        They came from Waskapelle. Located between waspik and sprang capelle.

  9. Pim says up

    The ladies' careers often start because of the appalling conditions in the factory where they started working in Bangkok.
    If 1 of the ladies is successful in the bar, they all think that the big money is waiting for them there.
    Many parents do not even know that their daughter is gone .
    Once in that life they are taught the ropes as quickly as possible .
    The disappointment is often that many only see 1 customer per month .
    Often you have a chance of 1 good relationship with 1 lady who is not so clever due to lack of experience.

    • Robert says up

      @Pim… totally agree apart from that last intriguing sentence… much more chance of 1 good relationship with 1 lady who has no experience in the bar at all, it seems to me.

      • Pim says up

        I agree with you, but my thoughts go out to men who come into this situation unknowingly for the first time.
        These are often overwhelmed by the clever little ones while that very sweet woman remains in the background.

  10. ludo jansen says up

    that they should take a look in amsterdam or antwerp.
    there women are forced into prostitution, abused, extorted.
    in thailand they work when they want and are free.
    and customers who mistreat girls will be put in their place.
    of course it is a hard world, prostitution, the oldest profession in the world.
    in thailand, prostitution is accepted in society.
    men go to pattaya because they are well spoiled and because you still get value for your money here.
    in amsterdam you step into a club, and you are 200 euros lighter, in thailand you party there for a whole week.

  11. Andrew says up

    ludo, oh ludo,
    In Thailand, just like elsewhere in the world, prostitution is terribly hard and inhumane. If there are complaints from the customer, they get a huge beating. And the rest…
    Nothing is what it seems, neither is this.

    • Hans Bos (editor) says up

      After almost 6 years in Thailand I have my doubts about that. I see or hear almost nothing in that area.

      • Frank says up

        after living in Thailand for 25 years I can tell you that it is indeed true. Of course you won't hear about that, because otherwise those girls will get hit even more.

        • @ Frank I have spoken to several bar girls who I know speak the truth. No coercion or clapping. On the contrary. Excesses do happen. Usually a Thai boyfriend who acts as a pimp, then they have it bad.

      • Andrew says up

        In the time that I have been here and I have never heard anything else. Everywhere and also in hua hin behind the market.
        Believe me, this is tough business in Thailand too. Frank is aware and is right.
        Of course it's not publicized. But I've seen the scars. {and there are many hidden scars in women who have stepped out that never go away.)
        Thailand is no exception in this regard. Unfortunately, it's not all as sweet and nice as it looks. Because it's not what it seems. It's all lelibo: lie, cunning and deceit.

      • ronald says up

        How naive can you be, of course you don't hear anything about that. You probably won't hear anything about the abuse of girls under the age of 18 either. A number of pedophiles have recently been arrested there. Of course there are exceptions and there are girls and women who consciously choose this world, also in our western world. One thing is certain if there wasn't so much misery and poverty in those countries and stricter regulations then there wouldn't be so many girls offering their bodies.
        Here it is also often said that those women cannot do anything else and have to do it because of poverty; then help them in another way.

        Moderator: deleted some texts. Generalizations about Thai are not allowed, but also not about sex tourists.

    • ruud says up

      experience expert ???

  12. Al says up

    No matter how you look at it, it's still prostitution and that won't make anyone really happy. Sure, I know Thailand well enough to understand that things are different there, especially when you come from the poor countryside and can earn a relatively large amount of money that way in the big city. But come on people, let's not pretend it's such a great job. A lot of the customers are just old, unkempt, saggy and ugly, and you will have that on top of you….

    • Dirk de Norman says up

      I once saw an American documentary about the Red Light District in Amsterdam, roughly comparable to this film.
      Of course it's always about viewing figures, sex sells!

      It took a while, but the brothers and sisters in the Lord of the EO got it too.
      Panorama and BNN already preceded them in the hunt for viewing figures, so the format was slightly modified with two goslings from Brabant.

      The thin ethical sauce cannot disguise the hypocrisy, "may the Lord smite them with fire from heaven."

  13. Ed Melief says up

    My compliments for posting such a horrible and anti-Pattaya video!
    Andrew needs to move the quality of the video from high to normal

    • @ yes of course the messenger did it 😉

  14. Harold says up

    The truth often lies in the middle and we farang will not soon find out.

  15. Henk B says up

    Ridiculous program of the EO, all prejudices, as in the old days in the Panorama and new Revu, let's have a look in our big cities, Amsterdam-Rotterdam-Utrecht, Groningen, much forced, through false information, beating, Threat of Family,
    don't really want to discuss it further, just make me angry.
    Seen and experienced too much up close, Bar in Amsterdam at the Ruysdealkade. and many of those girls customers, but also the Pimps, sometimes had stories to cry about.

  16. The irony is that the EO 'uses' the Thai prostitutes for the ratings. Speaking of exploiting…

  17. Mike37 says up

    I had placed this tip yesterday with the article Pattaya, city of sin and sleaze, but now see a day later that it was sent to the "submitted" section, I didn't know that was possible, but I wonder why that happened anonymously ?

    • @ Miek, yesterday we lost comments due to the move, see previous posting and Tweets. The article was written after the broadcast and sent to us by someone else, who wishes to remain anonymous.

      • Mike37 says up

        @Khun, my reaction can simply be seen with the mentioned article, I didn't mean that, I just wondered why you even (so not specifically aimed at this specific piece) on a blog where the reactions are under name (rightly so) be moderated can submit anonymously?

        • @ We know the name of the author, otherwise we won't post it. But some choose to do so and we respect that.

  18. Peter@ says up

    “Superb” reportage in EO style, but without even mentioning the word God, that is the current EO, but I have seen a similar report from the EO before and that lady with bespectacles came to say the word.

    By the way, that rehab center belongs to a church and it is of course well-intentioned, let's think.

    • @ Exactly, you get to the heart of the story. The so-called good intentions of that bespectacled woman become less non-binding when you know that it is about winning 'souls'. And to convert Thai ladies to the Christian faith. Then everything immediately appears in a different light. First make sure you put someone in the role of victim and then supposedly save them because you are so good. The well-known Marketing and PR tricks of the EO supporters.

      • cor verhoef says up

        Peter, if the EO is on a soul hunt in Thailand then I wish them the best of luck because they will need it. In the second half of the 18th century, when the Portuguese had been busy for 2 centuries to teach the Thais the joys of Catholicism. the balance was drawn up: hold on, 132 converted Thais, the lion's share of whom today would be regarded as mentally retarded. Sixty-six converts per century. Will Klaas also dig in here for a few centuries? 😉

  19. gerard says up

    How bad can you put together a program
    When I film alone in Amsterdam on the Red Light District, I only see ladies of morals
    while thailand is clearly more than pattong pattaya and pattong
    and what a lot of bitches partying and drinking at home but world strange in thailand
    so for me thailand is still a great country for vacation

  20. Robbie says up

    Not all the Thai ladies in that video from the EO, who visited the TamarCenter, came there because they wanted to get out of prostitution, which was suggested:
    One of those Thai ladies, who sat at the table with a number of other ladies during that English class at the TamarCenter, is a prostitute who does not want to quit her profession at all! I'm so sure because I hired her for a whole week last May. She went to that English class every day during that week. Why exactly at that TamarCenter? Well, because it cost next to nothing there! She told me herself.
    In other words, the TamarCenter teaches prostitutes English, so that they can practice their profession even better…. The EO should only know…

    • gerard says up

      yes the eo ladies were very simple

  21. Lee says up

    The EO should have made a program about women from poverty-stricken Uzbekistan who were lured to Thailand by people smugglers under false pretenses. Many therefore thought that instead of USD 1 per day in Tashkent they could earn that many times more in the always warm Pattaya. That's appalling!

  22. BramSiam says up

    There is a lot of fencing with Thailand experience to reinforce the arguments. Now I have 31 years of Thailand experience, so I'm throwing that in too. Forced prostitution certainly occurs on a large scale in Thailand. Often it concerns women from Burma or hill tribes and nowadays Russia and almost always it concerns forced sex with Thai men.
    The ladies that "we" deal with in the bars, of which I've met more than might be good for me, operate of their own free will. Fortunately, the concept of pimping is not very Thai, apart from an annoying boyfriend. That there is economic pressure and that all the money goes to the family, that is not too bad. There is always enough left over for a smartphone. The fact that they earn better in the sex industry (provided they look a bit good) is undeniably a reason to voluntarily choose a profession that is poorly regarded and in which most people slip mentally and physically. Mentally because they lose their sense of norms quickly and physically because there is usually too much alcohol consumed. At the EO they apparently don't know the old wisdom that you can take the girl out of the bar, but you can't take the bar out of the girl. Trying to convert Thais is like trying to teach a tree to dance.

    • @ I think you give a good analysis. I agree. The ladies don't want to be 'saved'. Unless a farang comes with the right papers. Papers in this case are banknotes. Ultimately, they do want a 'normal' life, provided there is a partner who can guarantee that income.

    • nick says up

      @BramSiam, the fact that they quickly lose their sense of norms (what that actually is and who determines which norms?) and would also 'slip away' physically due to excessive drinking, applies more to their male 'worshippers' when I look around me.
      And that ancient wisdom you speak of applies equally to the harlots.
      By the way, I know quite a few bar girls who don't want a steady relationship at all, even if there is a guaranteed income in return, Kuhn Peter. They find the freedom, cheerfulness, excitement of bar life far too much and for later, mai pen rai, who lives then, will take care of it.

      • @ You forget the expiration date, just said disrespectfully. The somewhat older ladies know that at some point they will no longer be chosen. They really go for sure, Niek.

        • nick says up

          Yes, I think so, but especially outside the bar circuit,Kuhn Peter.

    • Dirk de Norman says up

      Outstanding Contribution BramSiam,

      The native South-East Asian prostitution, which has existed for a very long time, is actually completely hidden from the (Western) eye, but many times bigger and dirtier than the Pattaya happening, so to speak.

      As for your comment about the EO, I am of the opinion that the EO is not concerned at all with the “fallen women in Thailand”, but with ratings in the homeland. That's just the mint smell mixed with heavenly hypocrisy that emanates from the film.

      Let's hope they don't escape punishment in the afterlife.

    • Peter Holland says up

      @ little late response, I couldn't resist.
      Hello Bram Siam old Thailand Rambo, you hit the nail on the head, I agree with you 200%.
      These types of reports have been commonplace since the 70s, now in a new guise.
      Only meant as a tearjerker, and to boost the ratings., disgusting!!
      May heaven and thunder strike them.

      Peter Holland 34 years of Thailand experience

  23. BramSiam says up

    Niek, I agree with you that bar visitors are also incurable, but that's not what this post is about. Well, who sets the standards? In Thailand I would say Buddha is responsible for that

    • nick says up

      BramSiam, oh yes? Then Buddha is not very successful in his mission. Or has his "middle ground" become Sukhumvit Road and Beach Road?

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