Dear readers,

Last week I read in the news on TV and in other media about the skimming of ATM machines in Thailand. So this is getting worse. I've been wondering for a long time, when will this form of crime come here. Sadly as it turns out they are here now, doing good business.

I have already asked the question several times at my banks with which I do financial business. What happens if you are skimmed in Thailand when you visit an ATM and you lose your money? Will you then receive a refund of your credit on your account, or can you forget about it?

As far as I know, in the Netherlands you get your money back from the banks when you skim your account. This question has never been clearly answered for me here in Thailand. Often the answer is 'Not sure of I don't know. Or even worse, "What is a skimmer?"

Going to my TMB branch again next week and I finally want to know for sure, what about it?

Perhaps there are some readers on this weblog who can now give an actual answer to this?

Thanks in advance,


20 responses to “Reader question: Skimming in Thailand, have you lost your money?”

  1. chrisje says up

    Have a neighbor who was a victim of these practices.
    After a complaint to the bank there, he was sent for a walk.
    Here the banks do nothing for such practices
    So be careful when withdrawing from an ATM

  2. Cor Lancer says up

    I would like to be kept informed

  3. Ronald Schutte says up

    Skimming….. All over the world. So also Thailand
    So: NEVER pin in a machine somewhere on the street and at any hour.
    Only do it in a machine that is located at a bank, and preferably only during the day, when that bank is open.
    Skimming is then almost 100% impossible.

    Just get enough cash at a sensible hour, very simple.

    That applies all over the world!

  4. Luc says up

    In Thailand you are guaranteed to lose your money and get nothing back. Also be very careful with a visa card. If it is stolen, Thais can buy what they want in shops without a code and just a scribble and OK. Signature is not checked. They empty your account in a few days. May even be 1 million baht. The police do absolutely nothing in Pattaya. Everything here is in favor of the Thais. So be careful with visas and, if necessary, block them immediately in case of theft.

  5. Ivo says up

    My personal experience is that you eventually get your money back.

    First time AEON atm debited money but did not give money. Immediately called and within 24 hours the reservation was removed for the debit.

    Second time Bangkok Bank gave atm 10.000 Thai baht but debited 20.000. Called again right away and it took 3 days, but it was neatly corrected on the reservation for the debit.

    Third time when paying at a gas station, the one-off payment was debited 3 times. Again complained to the bank branch and within 24 hours the 2 too much debited amounts were refunded.

    If there is a greater chance of fraud here because one can use both credit card and debit card without a pin code (just a signature). If the actual owner has not put that signature, it is very easy to prove. Just go to the bank and file a complaint and if necessary a police report of fraud.

    Recently in Bangkom a number of Thai and foreigners have been victims of skimming and as far as I know the bank has reimbursed everything.

  6. Show says up

    Friends lost a lot of money at the Bankok Bank in Pattaya due to this phenomenon.
    At first it was completely your own risk: the bank did nothing.
    Only after calling in a tenacious lawyer (she worked for a fixed amount), court and waiting 1 year, the money was fully refunded from the Bangkok Bank.

    That's right: watch out for stand-alone ATMs on the street or in a shopping mall; only use ATM within the bank building itself.
    Or perhaps even safer: take your bank book and bank card with you and withdraw money at the counter of the bank.
    You can transfer money that you are not using for the time being from your current account (savings account) to a term deposit (fixed account); third parties cannot reach there; it also provides a better interest rate.

  7. John v B says up

    hello Jan

    I skimmed at Bankok airport this year
    got everything back from ING,
    It is better to bring cash
    and change places


  8. great martin says up

    as said above: during the day pins INSIDE the Bank. And do NOT let yourself be sent outside to the ATM machine. Are you lifted to the ATM machine - immediately inform the Bank + protest. It's THEIR machine that's out of order. Then you get your money back. DO NOT pay with a credit card ANYWHERE in Thailand, especially at petrol stations. With my stolen credit card information, a few Thai Boys in Patpong have been busy for € 1000. Not bad. In London when purchasing gold jewelery they ran into the British lamp. I got my money back. top martin

  9. Khung Chiang Moi says up

    In June this year I pinned 20.000THB at the airport as usual, I received a receipt but no money.
    Slightly panicked, I waited for the next customer at the machine to see what he was getting out of it. A Thai girl pinned 1000THB and that came out, I told her what happened to me but she didn't understand me. I've been coming to Thailand for years never had a problem with ATMs or anything so it had to happen at some point. I called ING in the Netherlands from the airport and told them what had happened.
    A friendly lady told me to keep the receipt well and to enjoy my stay in Thailand and to contact ING when I was back in the Netherlands, it would be fine, It reassured me, but I had no money because I was through my daily limit. I was happy to have my credit card so I could withdraw money again, of course at another machine because I no longer trusted that one, the fact that my daily limit had been used up was proof for me that the amount of 20.000THB had been debited. of course I regularly check my bill so via the Internet it is easy I always have my tablet with me on holiday. 14 days later the full amount was refunded to my account (I was still in Thailand). So all in all in this case everything turned out well with praise to the Thai or Dutch bank I was of course happy that I had my money back and did not have to chase it.

  10. great martin says up

    As far as I know, you can only withdraw 10.000 Baht / 24 hours in Thailand. I haven't managed to withdraw more than 10.000 in an ATM. top martin

  11. simon. farmerma says up

    martien you can withdraw 500 euros in thailand, 20.000 bath is sometimes more than 500 euros, depends on the exchange rate
    of the bath.

  12. Roger Hemelsoet says up

    My wife has been using my Belgian bank card for 6 years now. It depends on which bank the ATM is, at one bank 20.000฿ is the max. with 150฿ bank costs and at another bank 25.000฿ with 180฿ costs per withdrawal. We have never had any problems with that and we debit card several times a month.

  13. Bjorn says up

    Concerning the pin limit of 10.000 THB or more, I had telephone contact with ABN AMRO last week and they informed me that a daily limit of €300 has now been set for foreign withdrawals.

  14. Tony Reinders says up

    Skimming is very different from not getting money from an ATM machine.
    In the 20 months that I am now in Thailand, no money from ATM machine twice (everything neatly corrected by Bangkok bank)
    I've never been skimmed.

  15. Sylvia says up

    I was also skimmed once at ATM in Thailand, you must in any case report to the police and block your account, but I just got everything back when I came back to the Netherlands!

  16. John Sweet says up

    I skimmed at the airport in Bangkok until I bought a ticket at Thaiair, about 6 years ago.
    I paid with my Visa and when I got home 8000 € from the account in Asia and Europe
    I had made purchases in an hour in London and Singapore Zurich and Bangkok, which of course was impossible.
    after informing Visa I had to copy a letter where they probably checked the handwriting and got everything refunded to my account without any problems.
    I still buy my tickets through visa now because everything is insured for 6 months, even if the company goes bankrupt.
    you always get your money back and no problems.

    John Sweet

  17. great martin says up

    I hope for you and all other readers that it stays there and we (and others) are not affected by skimming. I can also pin max. 10.000 BHT / 24 hours. If skimming continues in Thailand, all Thai banks will probably go down with their max. pin amount?. Ultimately, they must (be able to) repair the damage and that costs them money. That is the maximum amount that Bjorn (see above) is also able to report and that which I know (ABN-AMRO). It seems that banks have different opinions there = allow debit card amounts?. The main thing is-the same as in Europe-eyes open when pinning and covering the keyboard. top martin

  18. Roswita says up

    The last time I was in Thailand I was able to withdraw a maximum of 14.000 THB at the AEon bank. I almost only pay at the AEon bank because those machines are almost always in the bank building. So almost 100% safe. And they don't charge 150 THB fee. But before I could get 20.000 THB at the red (don't know the bank) ATMs. pins and many others only 10.000 THB. per day

  19. Peter Yai says up

    Dear reader

    No costs at the Aeon Bank, but did not work with ABN Amro cards from friends

    Regards Peter Yai

  20. Pim says up

    More than 10 years ago, fellow countrymen stole a pass from me.
    I received a message from ING that deposits had been made in a short time that I would normally never have made in Amsterdam East, they thought this was suspicious.
    That's why I received a message from them.
    My damage was immediately reimbursed.
    Yet 1 year later they could still use my pass because the amounts were not so great to refuel on the way to Spain.
    This can also happen in Thailand.
    I woke up in a hospital because there was 200.000.-Thb cash in my pocket, I wanted to open an account.
    After giving my details that was not possible according to that girl at the bank counter .
    I think she passed that on to others.
    My newly furnished house was completely empty, the doctor said if I had taken 1 sip, more I would have died too.
    As a tourist you experience different things.
    5 years I came in as a tourist and I am still crazy about this country now that I have lived there for more than 10 years I learn even more every day.
    You could write a great book about this.
    Order The best of Thailand blog for the people as a gift for Sinterklaas who never give their opinion about Thailand but with a lot of comments.

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