Reader question: Who can bring Kela Lotion?

By Editorial
Posted in Reader question
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June 28, 2012

The last time I was in Thailand my wife developed an allergic/eczema-like rash. After visiting the dermatologist at the hospital, she received a prescription for Kela Lotion. This is a lotion containing triamcinolone acetonide with strength 0.1g per 100ml.

This lotion (looked like water) worked great. Back in the Netherlands she occasionally got this rash and with the rest of the lotion it disappeared very quickly.

At one point the bottle was empty and she went through the GP with a referral to the dermatologist at the hospital in Roermond. He also prescribed triamcinolone 0.1, but in ointment and/or cream. This one doesn't work nearly as well as the lotion from Thailand. Inquiry showed that this lotion is not produced in the Netherlands and other countries and is therefore not available anywhere.

Meanwhile, my wife continues to have persistent rashes. Other corticosteroid medicines (the group to which Thai lotion also belongs) do not help either. We were able to buy the lotion we received at the Bangkok-Pattaya hospital without a prescription in any drugstore. A 30 ml bottle of Kela Lotion cost about 2 to 40 Bath 50 years ago.

There were also 60ml bottles. The last time we bought some bottles at the drugstore on Naklua road after the fish market and Lan Po (the sacred tree on the road). This drug store is located on the left when looking from the direction of the fish market.

My request: Is there anyone who will soon travel to Thailand or someone who will return to the Netherlands and who I can contact with the request. To bring some bottles for my wife?

The brand name of the bottles we bought is KELA LOTION. But there are also other names. As long as it says triamcinolone acetonide 0.10 g on the label. The manufacturer is TOMED Co. Ltd. And again free to get in every drugstore, pharmacy, drug store in Thailand.

Question has been submitted by Jan Polmans

19 Responses to “Reader Question: Who Can Bring Kela Lotion?”

  1. Fred C.N.X says up

    I would like to take it with me for you and start looking for it first, I live in Chiangmai, I will be coming to the Netherlands (Rotterdam) for 2 months at the beginning of September

  2. vorsel says up

    I am currently in Thailand and will be back July 7th. So I can bring it fairly quickly, but I do live in Belgium. Where do you live in the Netherlands?

    • Jan says up

      Dear vorssel,

      Very nice that you responded to my call to bring Kela Lotion!! I live in Roermond, Netherlands. Limburg not far from Maaseik.

      Can you forward your email to the editor?

      Thank you very much in advance!!

  3. Kees says up

    Dear Jan,
    On July 13, a friend of mine is coming to visit here in Mukdahan. He will stay here for 2 weeks and will return to the Netherlands on 28 July.
    If you give me your e-mail address, I will give you his e-mail address. You
    then you can contact him yourself.
    He lives in Drunen.
    my email adress
    [email protected]

  4. Lambert says up

    Hi fred.
    In September my partner will come to the Netherlands for a month. If necessary, I can ask her to bring this lotion.

  5. kevin87g says up

    That's a pity, I've just been back in the Netherlands for 2 weeks..
    If I had known this I would have brought some for you.
    I will probably go to Thailand again in December or January, for 4 weeks, but that will take a while, unfortunately.

  6. Erik says up

    I won't be coming to the Netherlands in a short time, but I can buy it and send it to your address.
    If that helped you, please let me know.
    Email: [email protected]

    • January says up

      Dear Thailand blog readers,

      Thank you for your comments regarding Lela Lotion. In the meantime I have contacted Vorssel and Kees Prins. (see comments above) These can probably bring the Lotion the fastest.

      I will keep your comments and possibly contact you again if things don't go well for whatever reason.

      Kind regards Jan

  7. Pieter Post says up

    Can someone send it? I recently had a parcel in the mail by plane in 1 week!
    In case someone doesn't leave for Holland now.

  8. Lek says up

    Sawasdee ka, my name Lek. My friend tell me you like medicine, no problem I can give you. But price now very expensive! I go shop already for show picture, they say 2 thousand baht one bottle. No problem can use Western Union for send money I think is good idea for me buy 5 bottle. You send me soon OK I send you medicine Bye bye love you long time!'

    • Gringo says up

      Fortunately, there are numerous positive responses to the request.
      However, this offer from Lek strikes me as a very misguided joke.

      • Jan says up

        I totally agree with you Gringo!! This smells like taking advantage and taking advantage of someone's desperation!!

        • MCVeen says up

          But luckily no one takes “Lek” by the sore nose.
          Or is the joke that he/she is imitating a Thai? Fortunately, when she smiles, there is still 1 🙂

  9. Annette Wiertz says up

    I'm coming to the Netherlands on the 4th of July and will be in Limburg, Kerkrade, close to Roemond. I can take it with me if I get it here I live in Chiangrai. Let us know if necessary.
    Please see my email address.


    • January says up

      Hi Annette, just sent a general response to Thailandblog to thank the people and see that you have also responded. Can you send me your email address as I don't see it in your comment.

  10. G. Geysendorpher says up

    I can bring it for you on Saturday 30 June. Then I fly back to the Netherlands.

    You can request my email from the editors.

    Will have a look around the corner at the drugstore tomorrow morning. There are two of them and otherwise in the hospital pharmacy two seconds from here.

    Wait for your response.


  11. Piet says up

    I happen to have a bottle of ear drops with this active ingredient in front of me. Got an ear infection in Thailand and my ear didn't work for 6 weeks. The doctor in Holland gave me these sour ear drops (smells like vinegar) and within a week everything was over.

    I had already thought of taking that bottle with me to Thailand, but now I understand that this stuff is for sale everywhere in Thailand.

    • Jan says up

      I know those ear drops, but the composition is different from the skin lotion we need. But anyway thank you very much for your comment!!!

  12. Jan says up

    I know Tjamuk, and my wife has been in treatment with the dermatologist for over a year. She was also prescribed triancimolone acetonide, but as an ointment and cream.
    And that is precisely the difference ... when using the lotion, which I also showed to the dermatologist, the very itchy rash disappears.

    In addition, she has even received stronger ointment Bethametasone. That is another category stronger in these cortisone drugs. We also know the drawbacks. That's why it was nice to use the triamcinolone lotion. Not stronger but effective.

    In any case, thank you very much for your response

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