Dear readers,

Have read the visa file carefully about annual visa and still have these questions:

  1. the first time you apply for an annual visa (and I do that with a Non Immigrant O), the amount must be in your (Thai) account. I have a combination of state pension and savings, enough for BHT 800.000. My Non Immigrant O expires May 1. If I submit the application on, say, April 17, must the amount be due on February 17 (2 months before the application) or only on March 1 (2 months before the Non Immigrant O expires on May 1)?
  2. Can the amount on the Thai bank account be in Euros (on a Euro account) or must it be in Baht? (will not convert until the Baht is more favorable again).

I am going to Immigration Chiang Mai, so would like answers/advice from people going to Immigration in CM.



22 responses to “Apply for Non Immigrant O annual visa, when should the 800.000 baht be in my account?”

  1. Yan says up

    The amount must be stated 3 months in advance. It is best to do this on a “current” or “savings” account, which you also use to spend in Thailand… in Thb. Don't be under any illusions about a “better exchange rate” with the Euro. For more than 3 years it has been reported that the Euro will go into “parity” with the US Dollar, which means that the Euro will devalue almost 3% more.

    • Yan says up

      Sorry, 3% should be 10%…

      • Do says up

        First time is 2 months (see visa file)

  2. janbeute says up

    Last week was still hot on this weblog.
    The Euro FCD account and acceptance at immigration.
    Just take a look at this blog.

    Jan Beute.

    • Do says up

      Didn't see last week. Which day?

    • Hank Appelman says up

      Correct Jan

      However, in Thailand the rule is that for every visa application 'everything stands or falls to the discretion of the officer in charge', which means that many immigration posts can demand their own peculiarities.
      In Thailand, a passive attitude during visa application is the best way to apply

  3. erik says up

    Ask at your Immigration in which currency that 8 tons can be denominated; there are immi's that also accept currencies such as euro, us dollar and british pound provided the countervalue is 8 tons thb. And while you're there, ask that other question there; I had 4 months and was fine with the rules. For the sake of completeness: an and/or was not accepted and a 'savings' only if directly retrievable.

  4. Hank Appelman says up

    First application retirement Non-O (so IN Thailand) the bank amount must be fixed for 3 months.
    After receiving the visa, an extension of residence is applied for a year later (based on your retirement visa granted last year) for one year (if you wish) THEN the money needs to be parked for 2 months.

    1st time os retirement visa = 3 months
    2nd time is not a new visa but extension of the first time chosen retirement visa = 2 months

    Non-o is a visa arranged in Thailand
    Non-OA is arranged outside Thailand visas at the relevant embassies.

    • RonnyLatYa (formerly RonnyLatPhrao) says up

      You wonder where some people keep getting those stories from and based on what….

    • steven says up

      You cannot apply for retirement non-O in Thailand, only extension of stay for which it must be fixed for 2 months the first time.
      Non-O is a visa arranged in Thailand is completely incorrect.

      • Hank Appelman says up

        What a chatter, I applied for my retirement with 3 dependents here in Thailand myself, is a Non-O a NON OA is only available at embassies OUTSIDE Thailand and have a 2-year validity with 1 in and out of Thailand linked to it
        A retirement is only valid for 1 year, after which an extension of residence is requested every year…..
        good luck!

        • RonnyLatYa (formerly RonnyLatPhrao) says up

          Maybe you should first tell us how you entered Thailand yourself with your “dependents”?

  5. Do says up

    I applied for my Non Immigrant O in the Netherlands, NOT in Thailand. And I understand from the visa file that 2 months is enough. when applying for a one-year visa. I arrive in CM on February 1, and my 1-day visa expires on May 90. If you have to open a bank account at the beginning of February, it can never be done 3 months in advance.

    • Rudy says up

      If you apply for an “extension of stay based on retirement” for the 1st time at an immigration office in Thailand, you must have 800000 baht on your Thai account at least 3 months in advance. From the 2nd year 2 months.
      Or that a Euro bill can be with an equivalent of 800000 you have to ask at your immigration office.

      • RonnyLatYa (formerly RonnyLatPhrao) says up

        For the first mixing, 2 months is sufficient, for follow-up applications it must be three months.

        • RonnyLatYa (formerly RonnyLatPhrao) says up

          Strictly speaking, even 60 days with a first application.

  6. Ger Korat says up

    If you want to hold an FCD in Euro for what you hope for a more favorable rate, I can tell you that there is also an equal chance of a less favorable rate. No one can predict the rate and suppose that in a year's time the rate is 33 baht for a Euro, then you can deposit it into your savings account. So accept the current rate and leave it there untouched as long as you stay in Thailand to ensure that the annual extensions are granted by Immigration. It is best to have multiple accounts, one specifically for the renewal and the other for daily payments and other transactions.

  7. Willem says up

    Dear Will.

    You are talking about 800.000 baht in the bank every time.
    But with your state pension you only need to have about 400.000 thb in the bank. You have the AOW part confirmed by the Dutch embassy in Bangkok, by means of a visa support letter (income statement).

    Nowadays it is also possible to make monthly deposits from abroad to Thailand.
    Please read the recent posts carefully. Much has already been written about it.

  8. RonnyLatYa (formerly RonnyLatPhrao) says up

    I will not go to CM, so I will stick to the official rules for bank amount and the combination.

    Ref : Order of the immigration bureau No. 327/2557 Subject: Criteria and Conditions for Consideration of an Alien's Application for a Temporary Stay in the 
    Kingdom of Thailand 

    2.22 In the case of retirement

    (4) On the filing date, the applicant must have funds deposited in a bank in Thailand of no less than Baht 800,000 for the past three months. For the first year only, the applicant must have proof of a deposit account in which said amount of funds has been maintained for no less than 60 days prior to the filing date: or 

    (5) Must have an annual earning and fluids deposited with a bank totaling no less than Baht 800,0000 as of the filing date. 

    So for a bank amount of 800 Baht it is officially at least 000 months on the day of submission (filing date). With a first application, it is at least 3 days.
    With the combination method (bank amount and income), no period is officially requested that the bank amount must be on the account (but you might want to take into account the same period as for a bank amount of 800 Baht.)

    Whether or not Euro bills are accepted is a local decision.

  9. Do says up

    You are indispensable, Ronny. Much appreciation how you create clarity with all the more often unclear / incorrect responses!!!

  10. Do says up

    I received a non-immigrant O at the Thai consulate in A'dam, which I want to convert into an annual visa in CM. I will leave for CM on 1 February, so I will be in the Netherlands for another 3 days and will be applying for an annual visa in CM for the first time, say mid-April

    • RonnyLatYa (formerly RonnyLatPhrao) says up

      Get the owner to report you with TM30.
      According to the responses I read, they are strict on that in CM. This as additional information.

      Otherwise, the application for that annual extension (not an annual visa) should run smoothly. Make sure you put enough Baht on your account on arrival and get another visa support letter for your AOW portion.
      And then that will be okay.

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