Tim Sharky in Pattaya (video)

By Editorial
Posted in Remarkable
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February 5 2015

Who regularly in Pattaya or lives there, he has seen him: Tim Sharky, an Australian who is quite striking because of his imposing figure and the many tattoos.

The Aussie lives in the View Talay 6 apartment complex next to the Central Festival shopping center and is inextricably linked to the street scene in Pattaya. Despite his ferocious appearance, Tim is an animal lover, so he takes care of the stray dogs in his neighborhood.

In this video you can see that Tim is going to get a story from the police in Pattaya because his condo is said to have been broken into and drugs are hidden. He does this in his own way with a lot of intimidation. Strangely enough, he gets away with it, although everyone, including himself, wonders how long it will take for things to go wrong.

Video: Tim Sharky – Question Authority

Watch the video here:


17 comments on “Tim Sharky in Pattaya (video)”

  1. Cor van Kampen says up

    It will therefore not go well with this man for long. I have seen him walking several times in Pattaya.
    You can't get that kind of body through training. Only through doping and prohibited substances.
    Always a big mouth and a lot of yelling. You can be good for dogs and have an imposing figure there
    comes a time when you offend a Thai in his soul. Then your muscle bundle won't stop that bullet.
    Call the Thai police crazy? Every Thai-goer knows that a Thai never forgets.
    Cor van Kampen.

    • arjanda says up

      Have talked to him many times. Good guest with the heart in the right place. Can only handle injustice badly , but does not whine but at least does something about it . big mouth or not a good guy you should address instead of walking around with a bow.

      • Nico B says up

        Dear Arjanda, the man may have his heart in the right place, but whether it is necessary to use fuck off and fuck you in every sentence is against me, very ill-mannered and mi not done.
        It's possible to have a chat, but oh well if the man doesn't like it, rightly or not, then all hell breaks loose.
        Such a man must manifest himself, must make a fuss every time to get even more Facebook followers, I wish him good luck with it.
        Well, as said, to each his own.
        Nico B

    • Sir Charles says up

      You get such a body through training, but with anabolic steroids it all goes a bit faster. I have no doubt that he uses that rubbish there and in Thailand it is easy to obtain.

      Do without, if only because of the harmful side effects, however, people who comment negatively on 'gym figures' are often too lazy themselves and are overweight, so prefer to walk in a sleeveless Singha shirt to show off their 'muscular' show their body, they do have a six-pack, but it is always on standby in the fridge…

  2. Nico B says up

    Tim Sharky, a very appropriate name for such an ill-mannered type. SELF, it's already on its knuckles, see the opening photo of the video, it's all that matters, SELF.
    Good to know his behavior, walking around it with a wide berth seems wise to me.
    To each his own.

  3. John Chiang Rai says up

    Unfortunately, he has nothing to offer other than a big mouth, and a pumped-up body, and thinks he can impress in this way.
    If stupidity made you hurt, he'd have to take pounds of painkillers every day, and still scream in pain.
    His figure resembles an ape, only the latter certainly has more brains.

  4. Rick says up

    You can say what you want about this figure, but he will not be deposed by the (corrupt) Thai police and state without a fight. Although, of course, he does so in his own special way. But in itself he is a good example that as a farang you don't have to take everything in Thailand. Because quite a few sick jokes are made by many tourists / expats. The question is of course how long will the (corrupt) Thai state and police continue to overlook this, in other words, one of these days he will not suddenly be accidentally hit by a truck or something.

  5. Henk says up

    I followed it, but his question why the police visited his house without a search warrant is exaggerated.
    He had invited them himself, because of a burglary. Yes, then a little policeman will look further.

  6. Patrick says up

    hiding drugs in innocent people. My girlfriend never fills up her car without watching.
    Even during police checks, she is concerned that nothing will be concealed in order to notify the next checkpoint further on.
    She also never leaves her car keys at a drop service. The keys are counterfeited and a few weeks later the car suddenly disappears.
    Is this exaggerated suspicion or is it based on true facts.
    It definitely defies my imagination.

    • theos says up

      Absolutely no imagination, I also do what she does. After approx. 40 years here and a joke that a previous Thai girlfriend wanted to make me pay for, which didn't work out, I don't take any risks either. Can give plenty of examples and cases of that but not enough room for here. Kudos to your girlfriend.

  7. Barehead says up

    Saw this video a good 2 months ago and it is still alive and kicking until now.
    Whether it is wise to do this is of course questionable , a lot of shouting and no respect at all but this is perhaps the only reason that he is still alive .
    He puts the corrupt system on the map, you can certainly not call him a madman or a coward.
    That's why I have to admire him, killing him would be very bad publicity for pattaya.
    I think he's playing it smart hope he embarrasses the jet ski mafia on the net sometime
    I wish him a long life but indeed in pattaya you never know.

  8. Louis 49 says up

    I have also seen the man in pattaya and it must be that it is not natural
    way that body was obtained. I have also been training for years and I assume that the man is extremely strong, nothing pumped up. Even with anabolics you still have to train hard to get such muscles, but it is a bit easier with doping. That pumped up is talk of skinny men or beer bellies. That it is ugly is another matter

  9. Sir Charles says up

    Sometimes see him walking on Beachroad, no one who doesn't look up when he walks by. Seems like a nice guy despite his appearance.

  10. Khan Peter says up

    You see more foreigners in Thailand with some narcissistic traits. I do think he's a nice guy, but if he's on track… I don't know?

    • Sir Charles says up

      The fact that he is not quite tracking is almost certainly due to the anabolic steroids, side effects include aggression, shriveled balls and a reduced libido, the latter is not very useful, especially in Pattaya. 😉

  11. Franky R . says up

    Apparently people on this thread are rather easily impressed? Sharky looks a lot smaller than he did a few years ago, so whether he's still on steroids is beyond me.

    However, he hasn't changed a damn in terms of 'verbal skills' in ten years.

    And in the Netherlands we also had pistols Paultje, didn't we? Also not a fresh guy with a criminal record of I have you there. But also a big heart for animals.

    I don't judge anyone because I don't know his/her story.

  12. theos says up

    He was a loanshark in Australia, hence the name Sharky, which I later learned was also a pimp there. He didn't seem to have any sympathy now for people who were having trouble paying back their so-called loans, to say the least.

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