About a fifth of the Thai population, that is more than 13 million people, suffer from psychological problems or disorders such as stress and anxiety disorders to a greater or lesser extent. This has emerged from research conducted at healthcare institutions over the past three years.

According to Narong Sahametapat, permanent secretary of the Public Prosecutor's Office of Health, more than three million Thais sought medical treatment for mental disorders in 2011.

“The number of patients is expected to increase further due to urbanization,” says Narong. “People living in urban areas have to be much more independent and have little support from others. This is in contrast to the countryside where Thais can rely on their family or neighbors”.

Narong also said that 1.090.000 patients were treated in 17 psychiatric institutions in Thailand, the rest were treated in general hospitals.

Source: The Nation

3 responses to “More and more Thai people with psychological problems”

  1. William Van Doorn says up

    The Thai is westernizing. From nutrition to - not apart from that - becoming ill (fat, diabetic, and. and .. psychologically)

  2. HansNL says up

    My comrade spoke the words:

    Only a fifth?

  3. dre says up

    It will not improve in the future. I am by no means an expert in explaining the phenomenon of psychological problems in many Thais. “Westernization” probably plays a major role in this. In the sense that the speed to Westernize is so fast, compared to the ability of a Thai to follow. I can perhaps express myself better on the basis of my own experience, a few years ago. When I entered Tesco -Lotus for the first time and from the first moment, that cool, pleasant air, invitingly blew in my face, I thought: and now I'm going shopping. Away from that oppressive heat, take a look at everything there is to offer. But when the 2nd sliding door opened and I entered the room where I thought it was going to happen, my curiosity quickly turned into a great amazement. Had I now entered a supermarket, or had I made a mistake? I felt like a little kid dropped into a candy store. Incredible. There was so much to buy here, and cheap. but the deeper I found myself in that “bargain palace”, I noticed that the more luxurious things still had a hefty price tag and that there were only a few thai buyers in that area. How could it be otherwise, with the income they have, depending on the situation. Let me be honest, the Thai is overwhelmed by the advertising, both on the street and on TV and radio. The aggressiveness of the commercials sometimes pisses me off. You can't damn well watch a movie yet, because every 10 minutes I get an advertising jar of ointments and products to bleach your skin AND I'M ALREADY A WHITE FART. Every time I have to endure that torture. I was also starting to get a little nervous about it. It goes too fast for a Thai. That's my humble opinion. Too fast and too violent. I can compare it better as follows; in San Francisco you can get on the moving tram unscathed, without getting into an accident. Here the Thais have to jump on a TGV in the hope ……….. You would take a pill for less, wouldn't you?

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