Dear readers,

I would like to ask a question regarding the availability of a medicine. Is rosuvastatin 20mg or equivalent available over the counter in Thailand?

This drug is a cholesterol lowering drug.



14 Responses to “Is rosuvastatin 20 mg or equivalent freely available in Thailand?”

  1. it is says up

    I use Bestatin 10/Simvastatin 10 from Berlin for cholesterol lowering.
    A cheaper alternative to what I used before and whose name I forgot .
    A box of 10×10 tablets costs 250-300 baht. I take 2 tablets after dinner.
    Available everywhere in Thailand.

  2. Van Dijk says up

    Bestatin from the Berlin brand just for sale
    I also use 40 mg at higher doses myself

  3. john says up

    I had a similar question in the past. Is medicine x, with the specilaite question in the Netherlands … available in Thailand.
    I just went to a somewhat larger pharmacy that sorted it out for me. It really isn't rocket science. Any pharmacist can answer it within minutes if he/she takes a look at the books.

  4. red says up

    Dear people, do not self-medicate! You have Maarten and he knows what is possible and what is not. Not all of the above remedies can be used with other remedies. Write to Marten what you use and ask him what is possible. He studied medicine! You probably don't and then "muddling through" is not convenient, to say the least. Even if you go to a pharmacist, he should know what you are and are not taking. Or consult with a good doctor before taking the initiative yourself.

    • franky says up

      Forget all the statins! They turn out not to be of much use.
      And yet I went from simvastatin 40 in the Netherlands to Bestatin 20 mg in Thailand. This for 250 baht per 100. I feel a lot better. Just try it without at all.

  5. Karel says up

    My LDL cholesterol was too high, the doctor in the hospital wanted to put me on statins… not me.
    Changed my diet drastically (just look it up on the internet), three months later my cholesterol was perfect!

  6. John says up

    I use Rosuvastatin 10mg, it has the fewest side effects for me (leg cramps). Not everyone suffers from this and have often been on other statins before they end up on Rosuvastatin. a box of 28 pills of 10mg cost 750 baht and are freely available at most drugstores.
    I've been working with my heart for 18 years, which is now equipped with 6 stents and occasionally I also switch back to the cheaper statins for a month. That really isn't a problem.

  7. Ad Vermeulen says up

    Dear Daniel,
    Bought Rosuvastatin 20mg from my pharmacy in Kanchanaburi (Thailand). Without prescription.
    28 Tablets cost 850 Baht. Brand Crestor.

  8. peter says up

    No statin gets through to me anymore. Many complaints in other physical areas. Including terrible headaches.
    Then you go and read and see the transmission of radar 2008.
    It breaks down your q10 enzyme (important antioxidant) in your body, people can no longer walk, gives an increased risk of Parkinson's.
    Good! Cholesterol is low, only the rest of your body breaks down.
    I'm on turmeric now, according to specialist it doesn't help, yet my chol level is lower. I asked is that a placebo effect, he: maybe. I kept taking turmeric, even though it wouldn't help.
    And see it remains low, ok is still above 2, but once had 9.7. Now only take 1 capsule a day, maybe increase? Turmeric is in Indian curries, is plant-based and natural.
    Statins are naturally found in fermented red rice. That would be a natural statin, but I remain hesitant about statins and their bad side effects.
    Then possibly high chol content, I'm not going to a Parkinson's or unable to walk or any other ailment due to this poison.

  9. erik says up

    Nine responses from nine people who all seem to forget that none of us have a pure clone walking the world. So nine people who all react differently to a statin, a paracetamol, a painkiller and a placebo…. Now please keep all that in mind before advising others whether or not to take a pill that the doctor has prescribed.

  10. franky says up

    @erik, If you read carefully, no one here advises anyone to take the statin or not. These are mainly personal views and experiences and you are allowed to share them with others, right? Also read the comments on statins from our own "club doctor", Mr M.

  11. it is says up

    franky hits the nail on the head 🙂

    Because of the reactions of John and Peter and my own experiences with leg cramps and increasing
    I have problems walking, which may be due to my use of Betastin 10
    decided to stop with that stuff for now. See if it helps 🙂

    • franky says up

      Thanks for your support. Telling about your own experiences with pills has nothing to do with advising on medicines. “Reading comprehension” is an art in itself and let Mr. E get it right before he replies to us.

  12. peter says up

    I don't recommend anything to anyone either, I just found it myself and then researched it on the internet.
    You have to know YOURSELF if you want to use this. Or low cholesterol and other terrible diseases or act differently.

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