Send boxes up to 20 kilos by ship to the Netherlands?

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December 25 2018

Dear readers,

I read on Thailand blog that someone has sent boxes up to 20 kilos to the Netherlands by ship. I wonder how or through which company he did this?

I now also have to send 3 boxes of 14 kilos from Bangkok to the Netherlands. DHL or any other courier is incredibly expensive hence why I am looking for cheaper options.



15 responses to “Ship boxes up to 20 kilos by ship to the Netherlands?”

  1. Nicky says up

    Simply, via post office. The cheapest way. Of course the slowest

  2. HarryN says up

    Just go to the post office. I did that 1 times over a year ago. You can ship up to 3 kilos and have shipped that by boat. Everything arrived well. Although I can't remember exactly how much I paid for it, it was between B.20 and B.1000. per box.


  3. erik says up

    These are the rates:

    First get the consignment notes so that you can complete them at home in peace. Put SURFACE POST on it in large letters and it will go by sea and that will take between 2 and 3 months. SAL is also an option, then it goes by plane or plane and train. Can take two weeks. The most expensive is regular airmail.

    • l.low size says up

      14 kg. per box means € 143,= according to the airsurface rates!

    • Jasper says up

      With surface post a box of 20 kg costs. to the Netherlands so 2140 baht, about 80 euros.
      If you fly, for example, you can take an extra suitcase with a maximum weight at KLM for the price of 80 dollars, so it is more attractive if you do go to the Netherlands.

      • Liam says up

        Ho ho hooo, 2140 thb is currently just under 59 euros, so 80 euros is a very quick calculation. Which is not to say that the rest is not (or is) correct. Choice for transport by boat better recommendation to the questioner I think.

      • l.low size says up

        The rate overview that Eric shows:

        1st kg. = 750 baht
        13kg. = 13 x 350 baht = 4550 baht = Total 5300 baht : exchange rate 37 = € 143,=

        This costs € 14 per box of 143 kg

        Unless Jasper can show another rate overview from Surface.

      • HarryN says up

        2140 Baht is really not €80. mom
        ar around €58, exchange rate of 36.5, so not terribly expensive.

  4. Lung Theo says up

    Just by mail. Cheap.

  5. piet dv says up

    Handy link to price list
    saw that to Belgium is max 30 kg and to the Netherlands 20 kg
    You would say why this difference?

  6. pada says up

    Hello Petra, For more information, please contact Damco in Rotterdam via email. They are also in Bangkok.
    Let me know if that worked. Regards Pada

  7. singtoo says up

    What Pada says is possible.
    Boonma in Bangkok is also a reliable mover agent.
    We imported all of our household goods through them.
    I expect that they also do part loads in containers.
    Ask for mr. Simon is Irish.

  8. Daniel says up

    What is the difference between Thailand to the Netherlands and from the Netherlands to Thailand?
    PTTpost charges 5 euros for a maximum of 100 kg X 4 = 20 kg, which you are talking about.
    For 2000Thb per 20kg.
    Have asked different carriers in Rotterdam for a price, then it is many times more expensive.
    So please affordable carriers, if you know them?
    Sender Daniel Udon Thani Thailand.

  9. Van den Abbeele Willy says up

    4 years ago I also made a shipment to Belgium from Thailand via boat, not expensive, but once my shipment (box with wooden figurines, value 6000 bhat) arrived in Belgium, I received a letter from customs that I had to pay import taxes. on payment (50€). Now I take everything with me on my return flight and no longer have any extra costs

  10. Gerard chaste says up

    I sent 20 kg by post, not registered 8000 bath within 14 days I had it delivered at home

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