Editorial credit: SAHACHATZ/Shutterstock.com

Are you planning a trip to Thailand? You have probably already started preparing. However, travelers and adventurers sometimes forget to take the challenging Eastern climate into account.

To fully enjoy everything this special country has to offer, you will find a few useful tips in this article about the climate and how to prepare for it.

  1. Choice of clothing and sun protection

The climate in Thailand can range from tropical to subtropical, with high temperatures and high humidity. So it is useful to wear light and breathable clothes, such as cotton shirts, linen trousers and summer dresses. Don't forget to also use a good sunscreen with high SPF, and a hat or cap and sunglasses to protect yourself from the intense rays of the sun.

  1. Hydration and nutrition

Since the tropical climate can make you sweat a lot, it is important to also get enough water. Make sure you drink enough water, even if you're not really thirsty. Please note that tap water is often not drinkable. Therefore, avoid ice cubes in drinks and only buy bottled water.

Thai cuisine also has a lot to offer: pad thai, curry and exciting street food options are often difficult to resist. But be careful what you eat, as many travelers in Thailand get food poisoning. Spicy food and raw meat from street stalls are therefore not recommended. It is also better to avoid fish and seafood.

  1. Insect repellents and medicines

The Eastern climate attracts many insects, such as mosquitoes that carry diseases such as dengue fever can transfer. Wear light but covering clothing to minimize being bitten and use insect repellent on your skin. Therefore, always take a small first aid kit with you, including medicines for stomach complaints and diarrhea.

  1. Plan your activities wisely

Make your plans wisely so that you don't adventure during the hottest part of the day. The early morning or afternoon are better for outdoor activities as the sun is often a lot less strong. Do you want to see special temples or sights? It is best to do this in the early morning. This way you not only avoid the heat, but also large groups of tourists.

  1. Insured while traveling

A Dutch health insurance often covers medical emergencies abroad. However, certain medications or care may not be covered. It is therefore useful to also take out travel insurance before you leave.

A Travel Insurance not only offers financial protection against medical emergencies, but also other unexpected events such as cancellations, lost luggage and evacuations. Before taking out such an insurance policy, always read the conditions and coverage carefully. This way you know exactly what to expect and you can travel worry-free.

A successful adventure

A trip to Thailand promises to be an unforgettable experience, but good preparation is very important to fully enjoy your trip. With the right clothing, sun protection, hydration, medication and good travel insurance, you can master the Eastern climate.

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