Villa Sauerkraut….

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July 5, 2012

Ingo and Horst

It's unbelievable isn't it? Finally, after sixty-five years, we Dutch can give the Germans a little bit of praise again. We even think they play good football and the German language also seems to be making a comeback at secondary schools in the Netherlands.

In short, the Germans have become ordinary people again for the Dutch. The Kraut predicate is soooo twentieth century…

A German TV production company thought that it had all gone too far, the humanization of the Teutons, and decided to point a few cameras at the residents of Villa Germania, an apartment complex in the Thai Pattaya city – famous worldwide for its “Ripley's Believe it or not”, go-cart tracks, floating markets, Madame Tussaud and other family entertainment.

That is when you speak to the governor of Pattaya at least. When you speak to a coca farmer from the Andes and the name Pattaya rolls off your tongue, the reaction is; “aah, pattaya, fucky, fucky, chicas lindas!!”. That discrepancy in the global perception of the good city, and the local one, is most likely due to a public relations teething problem. That will pass.

Back to Villa Germania and its inhabitants. The whole complex is inhabited by fairly well-to-do, mostly retired, tataaa, you, dear reader, guessed it…Mo…eh, Germans. The cameras have chosen two main characters, Horst und Ingo. Horst is a German who got rich in the Fruhstuck trade (I think I understood that, but my German sucks):

“The man has a good life and not for a long time, comes to the world and the journey and so much more.”

Thus Horst, who, sitting on a Pattaya terrace, rubs his belly, clicks his tongue and, with the best will in the world, can't take away the impression that Horst thinks he's incredibly lucky with himself. His inseparable accomplice Ingo, I don't know what he did in Germany, but it could never have been healthy.

The television images, which were broadcast on RTLZwei under the name “Villa Germania, Forever Young”, mainly lead the viewer to bars and the beach and a lot of Thai breasts are squeezed by Horst und Ingo, and buttocks are fondled and patted in a gemutliche way while enjoying a beer and a snack.

For the observant viewer it is clear that the Thai companions do not appreciate it very much. They resignedly let the panting, sexual innuendo and pawing wash over them, as they inspect their fingernails and mobile phones.

The observant viewer will also notice that Horst und Ingo are not very pleased with the Russians who settle in the seaside resort in increasing numbers. The Battle of Stalingrad, where the Krauts… er… Germans had to suffer miserably, Horst und Ingo is clearly still very high.

And Horst may have gotten rich in the Fruhstuck trade, but Igor has gotten rich in the oil and gas trade. Do you feel it, dear reader? Just a little while and the patjepee Horst is a proletarian compared to Igor. Und das ist ganz Schade.

All in all, partly with the help of this soap, the Germans are making another comeback, namely that of the noisy, overfed, insensitive, pseudo-colonial fuckwit…

38 Responses to “Villa Sauerkraut….”

  1. Well, I wish everyone their pleasure but there are limits. These mature gentlemen with their grasping hands could have exercised a little more discretion. One can only conclude that the invention of Viagra is not necessarily a blessing for mankind. To conclude in good German: 'zum kotzen!'

    • Rik says up

      I haven't seen the video and I don't feel like it at all. Just reading the story makes me eat and drink. Through these kinds of films they keep the prejudice high about Thailand.

    • Rob V says up

      Indeed, everyone can have fun, but I still get the idea that it is at the expense of fellow earthlings (Thai). But if I can make a guess then I get the idea that a man like Horst doesn't care much as he just as easily sold oldies products in Germany. Own profit and interest first, tends a bit towards a high aso content. Treat others as you would be treated yourself I would say to these gentlemen.
      Now these are of course the extremes, a TV program will of course not follow 'normal' expats/emigrants who, after moving, make an attempt to integrate in their new (second) home country. Drama and shocking behavior naturally sell better.

      To be in a (with all due respect) “elderly people's complex” full of compatriots who do not seem to want to integrate even a little, but to stay as a permanent tourist is quite abject. I wonder how these men feel about the foreigners who have settled in Germany, especially if they display similar behavior. I doubt they see them as visionaries…

    • Dirk de Norman says up

      “Zum kotschen” but especially the filmmakers. Responding to vulgar prejudices that live in the West and “klamheimlich” racist/Nazi.

      The somewhat feminized voice-over commenting on the edited images can hardly hide his politically correct prejudices.

      The filmmakers of Villa Germania use clichés and manipulated images.

      It is sad that the audience is unable to put things into perspective and again Thailand is being done a disservice.

      For the same money you can make a series about people who treat each other with respect at the same location, but then again, who wants to watch that.

      Peeping at the sins of a few is much more exciting.

  2. jogchum says up

    Would only in Villa-Sauerkraut or Villa-Germania grab filthy filthy rich breasts
    old using ”viagra” sitting single standing bachelors? Or are there also neat ones
    married couples among the inhabitants of Villa-Sauerkraut? Surely will.

    Cor shaves everything over 1 comb with this.

  3. francamsterdam says up

    Horst tells that he made money with 'Kaffeefahrten nach der Wende'.
    'Kaffeefahrten' are cheap bus or boat trips, mostly for the elderly, to which a 'non-binding' sales demonstration is linked.
    You know, one of those revolutionary health mattresses with inlaid magnets that instantly takes away all leg pain for the unbelievable price of DM 2600.-, what am I saying, no, DM 1800.-, what am I saying, no, for only DM 1400.-, and tomorrow healthy again!!!
    'Nach der Wende' means that after unification he mainly stripped ignorant former East Germans.

    • cor verhoef says up

      Francis, thanks for the clarification. A friend of mine who read the blog and watched the video also pointed this out to me. Horst has scraped together his capital by twisting gullible former East Germans after extremely sophisticated sales pitches ranging from irradiated leg bandages to health mattresses with atomic suspension. The neutron grains of Jacobse and van Es suddenly float to the surface again:

      “Madam, is your husband theuus?

  4. cor verhoef says up

    @Jochum, I'll explain. I'll explain it only once. This is a column. There is usually no room for politically correct relativization. Do you think a column about the careful, oh so cultured Helmut und Gertrude makes for interesting reading, in which we follow the lovable couple for a day in the Big C? Moreover, this piece is about “Villa Germania Forever Young reality soap, in which the impression is indeed given that the building is only populated by viagra popping horny old goats. Are we back with Jochum? Keep an eye out though...

    • Kees says up

      Look, that's how the 'German viagra popping horny old goats' in Pattaya still deliver a nice review and an even nicer reaction from Cor on here! Humour! 😉

  5. In the previously posted article, I already responded, what do most people care about, sex sells best, on TV and films [I know almost no Dutch films without sex] That series iner die Haagse a socialen, also scored as A madman. and take the front page of the most read newspaper in the Netherlands, almost every day, I come across messages about Doutze, Paris Hilton, Jolantha, Silvia etc. . Then take a look at the most read topics, the messages laced with sex, score the highest!!! Everyone reads it, including the Dutch moral knights. when I visited Katendrecht for the first time as a 16 year old, I encountered plenty of Refos. And don't rule out politicians either. [which I won't mention here]. The series seems to be watched by 6 million people in Germany [where the viewing figures are also the most important] and it is just like I mentioned before, there is a director and images can also be manipulated [recently at the European Football Championship] . One can enter into a discussion here on this blog and there will always be those who condemn it and perhaps they are no better themselves [without a camera] Pleasure girls are everywhere, it is also part of it, also in video singing clips, on the racetracks, at car shows and also major sporting events, such as in the past at the OS in Moscow and St. Petersburg, there were already 700.000 registered. Marjorettes with long trousers and a fur coat, I have never seen!!
    I still like it, even though I'm well over 60 and hope to still like it in 20 years. There are also plenty of illegal brothels in the provinces, just think of karaokes and noveral you see parks for short-times, where the Thai often go with even schoolgirls in uniform..
    Soon at 5 o'clock, I'm going to get my beer again in our favorite cafe "the Office". Everyone wants to occupy the places, to look at the street, everyone looks at the beautiful "smooth" girls who pass by and also 98% of the married too

    • Peter Holland says up

      At first I thought they were a bunch of overly fussy people, which I don't mind as long as they don't pull my Hawaii shirt or get in my way.
      But after watching a few more episodes, I can only conclude that you are absolutely right, this is tightly directed, and the gentlemen are doing their utmost to please the director, RTLII is not crazy of course, and this just sells well.

      Now, of course, they could also have made a report about the farang who, in tight uniform, with a 'farang bible' in the back pocket, walks all day with folded hands making a big fuss against children of 4 years old.
      But you say it: Panorama and Revue are now selling better.

      There is nothing wrong with these gentlemen, they are always smiling and have a lot of fun after a lifetime of hard work.
      There will always be narrow-minded curmudgeons and moralists who begrudge people this.
      Going against this is completely pointless, but sometimes you can leave it, and against your better judgement, you react.

      If people are disturbed by this harmless entertainment then I advise them to take a look (or avoid it) at Soi Yamato Bulldog bar, in high season the pub is packed to the brim with English clean-shaven football hooligans, shorts, bare sweaty upper body, including tattoos in the neck and sometimes on the head, they get completely drunk, and beat each other out of the tent.

      No, then Horst and his retinue are only pious choirboys.

      • @Oh Peter Holland, that way you can put everything into perspective and trivialize it. There will also be readers who find drinking and matting, as the English do, harmless entertainment. Slipping downhill and losing your decency goes fast, especially if you are not corrected by anyone (family, colleagues, neighbours, etc.) in distant Thailand. Ultimately, of course, we originated from half savages who ran through the savannah with a club and dragged a woman by the hair into a cave. Some find it difficult to shed that stigma.

      • bacchus says up

        Of course you have bad, worse, worst, but that does not mean that bad is suddenly good. A somewhat strange reasoning.

        Narrow minded are the people who like this kind of "entertainment", if you can call it entertainment. Personally, I think it shows normless bluntness if you think you can grope ladies freely in public. That the ladies don't like it, can be seen from their reactions, as Cor already noted. I also don't see the humor in this kind of derogatory behavior; it shows more of an enormous stupidity and rudeness. I wonder if these cheerful gentlemen also showed this behavior in Germany, or is there suddenly no humor there anymore? I think they were afraid that they would get a slap in the face! That would be humorous!

        • Peter Holland says up

          I keep it to the point that it is all show and sensation, and that when the cameras are gone, a completely different picture emerges.

          Anyway I just asked Ingo himself for his comment about the great outrage here on TB.

          Everyone has to know what you think of it.

          Hello Peter,

          Thank you for your email with information from

          Um ehrlich zu sein, die Kommentare interest us nicht. Die Niederlande sind ein sehr liberales und demokratisches Land und dazu gehört, das jeder seine Meinung sagen kann.
          Also auf

          Wir leben super in Thailand, drove keinem others in sein Leben rein und lassen uns nicht in
          our life is pure.

          Schöne Grüße aus dem sonnigen Thailand, Ingo Kerp

          • Olga Katers says up

            @Peter Holland,
            Have just copied some nice comments from Germany on the site of our villa Germania, and yes "Show and Sensation" they have provoked that themselves, see comments below.

            What you think of that is up to you, but I know enough!

            Hansi Burger from Hildesheim/Deutschland wrote on 24.06.2012
            Hello Horti,

            Machen Wollte Urlaub in Thailand. Aber those dumb Russians have always abgeschreckt me. They just lost the geese Urlaub. Hab here in der Heimat schon zuviele!
            After all, I enjoy my TV, so I can enjoy it!
            Und “nebenbei” nor Spaß in Thailand.
            Hoffe ich Treffe auch mal den Heinz, kommt mir sehr sympathisch rüber.

            Grusse, dein Hansi

            David from Saarland wrote am 23.06.2012
            Hey Horst and Ingo,
            geile Sendung , undviele infos nebenbei über Krankenhäuser , Versorgung usw. Ich komme mit meiner Familie nächstes Jahr mal zu euch und sag persöhnlich hello , ihrmacht das super , immer weiter so – bis dahin
            liebe Grüße aus dem Saarland

            Bordtenbeiger from Stuttgart wrote am 21.06.2012
            muss sagen ich bin von eurer sendung really begeistert.
            schalke kann ja really ziehen wie ein junger gott und horst hat real schnitten am start! die ladyboys stern haben michrichtig wuschig und rallig gemacht.
            think, dass ich im winter mal kommen wore. könnt ihr mir infos by e-mail schicken über eure villa?

            Durstige grüße euer

          • bacchus says up

            Well, if you ask a thief if he can steal, you will get the same response: "Sure, and what someone else thinks will be my worst."

            The reaction also proves once again that these gentlemen have an EQ of a newly laid egg. The gentlemen think they are great and any self-reflection is alien to them. Fortunately, I live about 450 km away; weit von die wuschige und rallige herrn. Let's hope they don't open an annex of Villa Geilmania…. uh, Germania around here.

            Grus Gott!

  6. Lenny says up

    Well, regular German TV is clearly ashamed too. To enlarge these (wrong gentlemen) like this is more than tasteless. In that respect, you can expect everything on the seepage tube these days. Everything for the ratings! It is a pity for those who do not know Thailand. The image now persists that all women in Thailand fall for big money.

    • cor verhoef says up


      Or even worse and it gives many men who don't know any better (and don't look closely at the facial expressions of those women, when Horst slaps another lady companion's buttocks) the impression that the whole country is populated by sex-hungry nymphomaniacs.

  7. Gringo says up

    Cor, it's a nice column, which connects nicely with my story Villa Hollandia. Of course I agree with the criticism of these two German “gentlemen”, who in this horrible soap opera show absolutely no respect for the Thai in general and the Thai ladies in particular.

    It is a pity, however, that no one has yet responded to my suggestion to make a Villa Hollandia. Those Germans may be a little better at football, but we certainly have class directors and copywriters to make a thoughtful, respectful and yet humorous TV series about daily life in Thailand.

    In my mind I'm already working on the plots of that series. It could be something in a Jordaan-like atmosphere, something like “The five-legged sheep”, remember that one? That is why I have decided on a working title “The buffalo with 5 legs”, does that sound good?

    All blog readers who have responded to my and your story can play a role in the series. I take the role of Piet Romer, you can play Leen Jongewaard. We already have Aunt Leen (could Olga be able to sing?) and we also find a suitable role for everyone else.

    I have already contacted the TV bosses and expect a positive response from Hilversum soon.

    Good idea?

    • cor verhoef says up


      Personally, I think the "Buffalo with the Five Humps" is more delicious. I'm all for it. I don't have much acting experience, after all I'm Head of Drama at my school for a reason, and that fits in perfectly with the Thai tradition of the Thai English teacher who doesn't speak English. And when I shave my legs, you will personally experience the upcoming reincarnation of Adele Bloemendaal. I already have the song: "We're in the world to massage each other around each other, don't we?"

      This program is going to be a hit 😉

      • Good idea!! Then I'll take care of a "Buffalo with the Five Humps" Blog. With daily updates 😉

    • Olga Katers says up

      @ Gringo and Cor,
      Yes, I take my recommendation, and in the shower I can sing quite a tune.
      Acting alone, and following a director's directions, that will be my problem, but maybe Cor can advise me on that.
      And I'd like to hear from you when we're going to run a test case, see you then.

      PS It will be broadcast on an RTL channel, otherwise I won't participate!

    • Mike37 says up

      If we are going for the ratings, why not a Pattaya variant on Oh Oh Cherso, I can see something in the role of Barbie, who would want to take on that of Sterretje? ;-))

      • cor verhoef says up

        In the shower? No "Psycho" troubles here. It has to remain a family program, yes? Neat and something for everyone.

        • Olga Katers says up

          @ cor,
          My repertoire is quite broad, spitter sputter spater, by Alfred (Hitchcock) J. Kwak, for the little ones.
          And then the rain gently taps on my attic window, for the oldies among us.
          Yes, and then you will start to shiver when you hear me sing!

          • cor verhoef says up

            Olga , all that is nothing compared to my singing talents. When I sing "My Way" my wife immediately runs to the bookcase and pulls out "Divorce for Dummies" (not that my wife is stupid, she bought it for me once). When no one is home, I sometimes want to try “Ich Bin Wie Du”, by Vicky Leandros. That song brings tears to my eyes. Maybe one day I can perform at Villa Sauerkraut. I can see it all in front of me, in a pleated skirt and with irradiated support stockings.

            • stefan says up

              Hello Cor, Is ich bin wie du not by Marianne Rosenberg? Although it was released before I was born, this is still a well-known classic.

              • cor verhoef says up

                I just YouTubed it and you're absolutely right, Marianne Rosenberg. How the hell did I get Vicky Leandros? Same genre maybe? And those hair dryers were great in those days. Anyway, it was Marianne Rosenberg.

    • Sir Charles says up

      Walked past a bar in Pattaya there was a polonaise deployed. A corpulent man, staggering and visibly intoxicated by the alcohol in too-short baggy trousers with a bare upper body full of tattoos with a thick chain and clutching a cigarette in his mouth, led the way into the soi and back into the bar under his guidance.
      Needless to say which nationality in that bar the customer base mostly consists of…
      First of all, it pleases me that people are having fun - I just want to say that - however, such activities are not 'my cup of tea', which is reason enough for me to avoid similar bars.

      In itself I really have no problem meeting Dutch people, in fact I have been able to continue nice friendships with them both in Thailand and in the Netherlands.
      However, if one of the above activities comes into play or even worse, such as those disgusting vulgar practices seen on that video of that Villa Germania, then I am proud not to belong to it and I am very happy to accept the invitation to play in a Dutch variant. pass me by.

      • Peter Holland says up

        Moderator: This comment was not posted because you are too personal.

        • Peter Holland says up

          Yes, I already had an idea that this comment wouldn't make it, but it wasn't meant to be offensive at all, more humorous actually.
          Never mind, I'll pay more attention.

          Well TB you bring about something with certain topics :)

    • francamsterdam says up

      I would also like to introduce the title 'The elephant with the five legs'.
      Moreover, we can already grab the intro from the internet:

      And does anyone happen to know if the episodes of Villa Germania can still be viewed online somewhere? Thank you in advance!

      • Peter Holland says up


        You can download the entire series of 8 parts via usenet.
        Is in format avi-xvid and is 9.81 GB in size.
        You must have a 'newsreader' on your PC and access to usenet, also known as newsgroups. It is even possible to take out a 24-hour prepaid subscription.
        In the Netherlands you receive the series within 20 hours with a 2 MB connection.
        In Thailand depending on your connection it takes a bit longer.

        You can also try the 'poor mans solution' Torrent, which is free and can be very slow.

        Good luck

  8. jose says up

    The bad thing is that these kind of low class people, who got rich through crooks, have absolutely no respect for anyone and think they can afford everything because they have money. I don't hate Germans or any race, but after 12 years resident of Thailand, I have experienced a few things, and unfortunately the Germans did not get off well. They are cancers, I had 2 as neighbours, could hear them talking at 100 meters, nothing was good about the Thai, and the women are often treated like kitchen maids, annoyed me so much on several occasions that I said, go back to your country like here nothing good. The most annoying thing is that these kind of people also give well-intentioned foreigners a bad name. But sometimes these kinds of people come in handy, an angry Thai or in this case an observant Russian who comes to get a story

    • Rob V says up

      Indeed, just like here in the Netherlands: the bad apples among the migrants make the front page of the newspapers. The fact that prejudices arise along the lines of the fact that it is largely all scum is another annoying consequence of this. Sometimes I wish there would be some kind of “scum/aso” test to see if a migrant deserves to stay in his new home country. Well, scum from our own soil is not waiting for anyone either. The neighbors of these gentlemen will be happy that this man has packed his bags. And stowing an island full of criminals as the English once did is not really a solution either. Prevention is better than cure, but unfortunately some people seem to be in the gene to exploit, defraud and offend their fellow man. Very sorry.

  9. I really think this subject is a farce, I know a bit about the people, Horst has a wife in Germany, some don't divorce, for which I can name many reasons, she just comes here on holiday, maybe she also has financial interests in the hotel and she grants her Horst a housekeeper with whom he can also sleep. At home it was no longer with his libeo. Since he is not married to him, he is also allowed to have a "mia noi", which he can no longer do much with, given his age and drinking. A film crew arrives at the hotel with the idea of ​​making a soap opera, both gentlemen are in for a joke and as Pattaya is known for free sex [or for money to jerk off with the luxury of a PC telephone and af a good hotel room every now and then], they share their own bedroom with 3 other girls. Grandpa sometimes comes along and sleeps like this and they can also have a good night's sleep. The director wants to make a scene with some love with a beautiful girl, who gets 500 baht for the recording, this happens again in all the beautiful places in front of the camera. With the Sonkran there is a girl who wants to show her buttocks for some bahtjes, the camera zooms in and a little later on the 2 oldies, some cutting and pasting and you have the smiling viewer on your hand. The Germans also like to see Madurodam , close to an MC Donald . The gentlemen have already been there 10 times in 5 years, but for the German viewer, come on then,!! , if only the film crew also pays for the hamburger , uns so weiter, und so weiter. In the evening with Siegfried, who sold half roosters off the grill in Salzburg, the latter wants to show that, like a true author, he can act out complete drunkenness. Laughing, screeching, roaring, also me and Theo, who are watching the 3rd episode, at 20 pm Thai time!!! So in the afternoon at 15 pm in Germany, children are still at school, so German elderly and housewives enjoy until 15.50 pm. the piggy bank is turned over, the bank book is viewed and yes, a trip of 3 weeks to Pattaya can start. When they arrive at the hotel, they see both gentlemen, are they those 2 Don Juans, asks mother the hen, the 2 old people hardly talk and take an hour to have a cold chat, to go to their room yawning a little later and the other not having breakfast until 10 o'clock tomorrow with a pill box[ 6 different] , with him.
    This must be pretty much the true story about the 2 TV porn stars.
    Don't judge, if you don't know all the facts, here in Pattaya you can do a lot [for money] but also drive hours to the north, many mothers and even though grandmothers are with Nong Kai and Udon, the Yanken have been willing, [for money] there was the transit of the large army to Vietnam, here the girls stand out a bit more, because of the often open bars and smooth clothing and be honest, who doesn't like to look and fool around with a beautiful girl, at least I do, but I just sleep at home and after 2 episodes with the main players themselves, I had seen it. In NLD there are I don't know how many networks, with hard porn, if you don't want to see it, there are other channels. Or the off button!!

    • Olga Katers says up

      @ hub ,

      Fortunately, I only saw the piece, which is on this blog!
      And yes you have a button to turn off the TV, and yes you can comment on this blog.
      For me this is not a farce it is just too pathetic for words, and if you read the comments in the guest book of villa Germania, then this is very sad for me to read, and that is why I have copied something.

      And I don't care if you know these people. Be happy with your acquaintances, for me these are the kind of people I want nothing to do with, and certainly their behavior cannot be justified, even though they are so-called show or porn stars, I have never used that word! For me it is 2 “Senile old men” who live up to the prejudice of Pattaya and Thailand regarding sex. And this is what I like.

  10. Given the 'yes/nos' responses, I'm closing the discussion.

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