Thailand visa application No. 097/20: TM30 notification on-line

By Submitted Message
Posted in Visa question
June 6, 2020

Questioner: Peter

If I am going to stay with my Thai friends in their house as a foreigner, I must and can register TM 30 form via a website and do the following;

My question is this still the case or has this now changed? I'm checking this from the Netherlands and the site is no longer working.

Reaction RonnyLatYa

That obligation is still there and the website still works when I click on it, but apparently adjustments have been made. What I understand is that the registration form now looks a bit different on the website.

At the bottom you will see a Thai text appear.

In short, the text says that improvements have been made and that you also need to change the password. If you are unable to log in, or if you cannot change your password, you must contact immigration. Apparently it would also only work with Internet Explorer version 8-11 and Chrome. At least follow that text anyway.

But there is also a possibility to do this via the Smartphone.

But since you are in the Netherlands, this is not a problem at the moment. This period may also be used to adjust a few things because hardly any reports are made and then things may temporarily not work.

By the way, it's your girlfriend or friends who has to make the report. She is/are responsible for the address.



3 responses to “Thailand Visa Request No. 097/20: TM30 notification on-line”

  1. Glass says up

    What is also possible is that you use VPN.
    I am in Chiang Mai, had VPN on the Netherlands, site did not work.
    Tried all browsers, no luck.
    VPN set to Thailand, problem solved.

  2. Guy says up

    That will not work from Europe without a VPN — which you then set to Thailand from non-Thai territory — after all, those reports must be made for a stay in Thailand.
    Rather easy for the Thai government to block online logins that are not made from Thailand and are therefore by definition incorrect, by making the site inaccessible for that type of login.

    • RonnyLatYa says up

      And with a VPN it works. What's the difference then?
      Moreover, the landlord can also be in the outside basket, right? Someone who rents out his property(s). Why then should foreign reports be incorrect by definition? It's about the Thai address where someone is staying. Where the person making the report is located is less important

      The person making the report is known because you have to log in with a password. But why would anyone report that a person is staying at an address for which they are responsible if that is not the case? You could really get yourself into trouble with that.

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