Questioner: Andre

I am currently in Thailand with a visa exemption. I am not yet 50 years old, what do I give as a reason for renewal on TM 7? Or do I just fill in nothing?

Reaction RonnyLatYa

You have obtained a Visa Exemption for tourist reasons.

You extend those 30 days for tourist reasons and that is not age-related. As a Retired you would also no longer be able to extend.

Just fill in Tourist.

Currently, the Corona extension still exists. Is 60 days. Actually only for those who cannot return due to COVID, but people don't always look that strict. Although in the last extension of the measure, a paragraph has been included that this must be applied more strictly. Depends on your IO how strictly he follows those rules.

Fill in Corona extension.

If you are married, there is also the possibility to extend by 60 days. Must be registered in Thailand.

Enter your Thai Marriage.

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