Questioner: Leo

Went to immigration Phayao today to hand over the TM 30 form. I have a visa for Thai marriage for 3 months, which you can still apply for in The Hague at Goebels with an ordinary extract from the basic administration.

So I asked Phayao whether I could extend 3 month after 1 months. Very circumstantially it was explained to me that this was only possible with Thai mariage papers. To my next question if I could extend on retired, the answer was “only with 800.000 Baht in the account.

Unfortunately I think I remember it was either 800.000 Baht or a monthly income that I can't remember anymore.
I hope you know before I start applying for my extension.
Thank you in advance!

Reaction RonnyLatYa

If you want to extend on the basis of Thai marriage, one of the conditions is that the marriage is also registered in Thailand. If you are married in the Netherlands, you will first have to register this in Thailand.

To apply for a visa, a marriage certificate from the Netherlands is sufficient.

If the marriage is registered in Thailand, you can obtain an extension of 60 days or a year. Financial proofs then also apply for one year and you can repeat that application for renewal annually.

You can also extend a period of residence by one year as Retired. You must be at least 50 years old. It does not matter whether your visa was previously applied for as a Thai marriage or not. The basic condition is to have a period of residence obtained with a Non-immigrant visa.

The financial conditions are:

– 800 000 Baht as a bank amount on a Thai account


– 65 000 Baht monthly income


– Combination of bank amount and income which is 800 Baht on an annual basis.

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