Questioner: Alan

With my application for the extension of the period of residence of my NON -O Thai marriage, we enclose a copy of the rental agreement that my wife and I entered into through a real estate agent. So both names and data are included here as tenant 1 and tenant 2. However, my wife's house registration is still somewhere else and, according to the estate agent, should not be converted to the new rental address. The homeowner had no problem with that, but then contacted immigration and he says they confirm this.

How am I supposed to see this because I have read in certain responses that the house registration of the wife at the same address as the one I indicate must be “de jure and de facto”?

Reaction RonnyLatYa

You must live at the same address.

Immigration decides what they see as sufficient proof of "de jure and de facto" and if immigration sees a lease signed by both of you as sufficient proof then there is no problem.

If immigration accepts something, it's always good.

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