Questioner: Aad van vliet

So far (until 2019) I have assumed that we had to have a large enough amount in a Thai bank to qualify for a Non-O with Retirement stamp. I recently read in an answer from you that this is not (any longer) necessary, in other words an amount equal to the number of months of stay multiplied by 1.000 euros per month can also be on a foreign account?

Are there any conditions attached to that? Due to the pandemic our Non-O has expired so we will need to reapply.


Reaction RonnyLatYa

Nothing has changed per se.

As explained so often, a visa is different from a period of stay. You must therefore either look at the requirements of the visa and not at those of a period of stay or its extension or vice versa

To apply for a Non-immigrant O Single or Multiple entry visa, you must meet the requirements of the embassy.

That is now 1.000 euros per month of stay. That amount may be on a foreign or Thai account because you request this at the embassy

Can be found here

For an extension of your period of stay, the amount must be in a Thai account because you request this at immigration. That is still 800 if you use a bank amount when applying and is only possible for one year.

There is nothing new under the sun and I have never said otherwise.

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