Questioner: Rudiger

Are visa support letters still issued by the Belgian embassy in Bangkok?

I have an O visa retirement and would like to extend the period of stay by 1 year. Last year I went with my income statement (pension extract), approved at the Belgian embassy. Now I have heard that the embassy no longer does this. Is this so?

Greetings and thanks for the good information that we have been receiving from you for years.

Reaction RonnyLatYa

– The Belgian embassy has never issued a visa support letter and is not doing so yet. A visa support letter is something that only the Dutch embassy issues.

– The Belgian embassy works with an “Income Affidavit”. That used to be the case and it still is.

Although there is a small difference with the past. From 1 July, you must also provide the necessary proof of where that amount comes from (including your pension extract). Previously, that proof was not really necessary, but apparently it has been decided to check it unofficially with the application (and rightly so). But you still don't get official proof that it's checked and correct. That is why the following text is now added to make this clear to immigration ““This legalization only concerns the signature of Mr. …or Ms. … and in no way prejudges the accuracy of the information mentioned therein”.

– Whether a Belgian Income Affidavit is accepted by immigration or not depends solely on your local immigration office. Some immigration offices accept it, others don't. You should inquire locally.

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