Thailand Visa Question No. 176/22: Visa Exemption

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June 23, 2022

Questioner: Jan 

Because I would like to go to my girlfriend in Thailand, since this was more than 2 years ago due to Corona, I have a number of questions. Can you obtain a visa exemption of 30 days with a single trip to Bangkok and can you also extend it for another 30 days?

After this extension, is there still a possibility to extend for the second time, for example with a border run? How long can you stay in Thailand after that border run?

Reaction RonnyLatYa

1. If you depart with “Visa Exemption” and with a one-way trip, you will most likely already be addressed at check-in. They can then ask where your proof is that you intend to leave Thailand before the 30 days have expired. That does not have to be a return ticket, but an onward flight ticket will also suffice.

Immigration could also ask that, but that will be rather rare. Or you already had several “Visa Exemptions” in succession and you also get more questions about it.

2. Each “Visa Exemption” of 30 days can be extended once in Thailand for 30 days (1900 Baht), at least if your application is approved by the immigration officer. But that's the case with everything.

3. Making a “border run” via an overland border post is possible. They should be open again as before. You do not extend a stay with a “border run”. You then enter again on “Visa Exemption” and thus obtain a new stay period of 30 days, which you can in principle extend once again by 30 days. Keep in mind that the country with which you make the "border run" may also have its requirements for entry.

4. "Borderruns" via a border post over land and with "Visa Exemption" are allowed a maximum of 2 times per calendar year. Entry to “Visa Exemption” through an airport is basically unlimited, but you will almost certainly get questions if they see multiple entries on “Visa Exemption” and especially if they are “back-to-back”.

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