Questioner: William

To apply for a Non-immigrant “O” Retirement visa from Thailand, you request an available amount in a Thai bank account, but this amount must be in a strictly personal account or can also be in a joint account (which can be used by both marriage partners )?

Reaction RonnyLatYa

As you can read, it must be in the name of the applicant:

“5.2 Copy of all entries of the applicant's passbook showing that the applicant has a savings or fixed deposit account of not less than Baht 800,000 (all documents must be in the Applicant's name)”

However, there will be immigration offices that accept a joint account. Although I doubt whether this will also be allowed with a conversion from Tourist to Non-immigrant. But as an annual extension, there are several that allow it.

In that case there will have to be 1 600 000 Baht on the account, because only half of that will be considered yours.

Even if you are married. As a married couple you may request your conversion or extension as a Retired, but then you must of course also meet the requirements of a Retired.

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