Questioner: john kohchang

I hope I'm not asking a question that has already been answered. Tried to find the answer with the search function but to no avail.

Concerns health insurance for entry to Thailand. So requirements for visa application and requirements for Certificate of entry (COE). Concerns O and/or OA visa based on retirement. I come to the conclusion that two insurance policies are needed.

First: Health insurance covering medical expenses in Thailand including a minimum coverage of 100,000 USD for COVID-19 (must be specifically mentioned). This is an insurance policy that explicitly asks for a statement that Covid is “covered”. Second, 'an original health insurance policy which covers the length of stay in Thailand with no less than 40,000 THB coverage for outpatient treatment and no less than 400,000 THB for inpatient treatment. (must be specifically mentioned) Applicant may consider buying a Thai health insurance online at (Purpose 4). So both do not have to be Thai insurance.

My questions are the following:

If I have health insurance that covers more than $100.000 in and outpatient and explicitly states Covid is covered, would 1 insurance policy be enough?

If I have insurance that covers $100.000 for Covid and furthermore insurance that covers 400.000 baht so for inpatient and 40.000 baht for outpatient would that be enough?

I ask about the limits of the possible because there are many who apparently have Dutch health coverage but cannot get a statement that meets the Thai requirements. They are then simply well insured and look for the cheapest way to meet the requirements. After all, it is wasted money!

Finally, a question about the length of coverage. The cover must be e for “the duration of the stay”. That seems obvious, but a question still arises. If you enter on O or OX or extension thereof, this is often an annual visa. Many will come in with the plan for a long time, half a year, a year or just extension so unlimited. But upon entry you get stamped for 90 days as standard. So several answers are possible here. I came in on a non o that was still valid for two days. Had health insurance for about half a year, planned to stay for a year. Was stamped for 90 days. Extended my Non O after roughly 70 days in a Non O extension for a year and was not asked about insurance

Reaction RonnyLatYa

1. On the one hand there is the COVID insurance which must amount to at least 100 000 dollars and on the other hand the Out/in patient which must amount to at least 40 000/400 000 Baht.

2. You should always have the USD 100 COVID insurance, regardless of the way you want to enter Thailand (visa, exemption, re-entry).

3. You will also need the 40 000/400 000 Baht Out/In patient insurance if you apply for a Non-immigrant O, OA, OX, STV visas.

4. These insurances must cover the duration of your stay, but apparently the embassy in Brussels always asks for insurance for a year for the in/out patient with a Non-immigrant visa.

5. No insurance is required for an extension of the period of stay obtained with a Non-O.

6. With an extension of the period of stay obtained with a Non-OA, an in/out patient insurance is requested, but no COVID insurance. The in/out patient must then be an insurance company on the list of accepted insurance policies.

7. If you return to Thailand with a re-entry Retired, the embassy in The Hague will also require the in-out insurance in addition to the COVID insurance. Even if that period of residence was obtained with a NON-O.

General comment

Questions like this have been asked … many times in the last few weeks and months. Anyone who follows TB a bit will not have missed this. They have always been covered under “visa questions”, but in the future I will limit myself to the above standard answers regarding insurance, ie embassy/immigration requirements

Do you want to know whether your own insurance is sufficient, whether your insurance states those amounts or not, whether you could enter with it or not, etc… I will no longer deal with visa questions. You can also ask the embassy/insurance whether the amounts are covered by one insurance policy, whether the statements on it are sufficient, etc.

The editors can of course always post your question as a separate 'insurance question'…..

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