Questioner: Fund

Marriage visa for 1 year residence. A friend of mine is released from quarantine from Bangkok today and is in possession of a tourist visa from Belgium valid for 3 months. He now wants to apply for a marriage visa in Korat where he lives with his wife.

Can someone help me with the information about which documents and others he must have?

I have e-mailed this question to Immigration Korat for over a week but have not received a response.

Response RonnyLaYa

1. A “Tourist visa” may have a validity period of 3 months, but you only get a stay period of 60 days, which you can extend by 30 days.

2. There is no such thing as a “marriage visa”. You only extend your stay on the basis of "Thai Marriage".

3. It is not possible to request an annual extension of a period of stay obtained with a “Tourist visa”. This is only possible if you have a residence period based on “Non-immigrant”.

4. He will therefore first have to convert his “tourist status” to a “Non-immigrant”. This is possible at immigration and costs 2000 Baht. He must, however, ensure that at least 10 days of residence remain with the application, because that takes a while. Usually a week. When accepted, he will first obtain a residence period of 90 days. Just like he would have come in with a non-immigrant. He can then extend those 90 days later by a year on the basis of “Thai marriage” and will then cost 1900 Baht.

5. The forms and proofs he will have to provide for converting from “Tourist to Non-Immigrant” are roughly the same as those for a year extension as “Thai marriage”. But he should first go to the immigration office himself because local rules may also apply here.

6. Saying exactly what he will need for the conversion therefore depends on what the immigration office will demand.

However, if he already has the following items with him, he will go far. Usually everything has to be provided 2ex.

1. Application Form TM 86 – Change of Visa completed and signed. (See appendix)

2. Passport photo

3. 2000 Baht for converting to Non-immigrant

4. Passport and copy of all passport page

5. Copy TM6

6. Copy TM30 message

7. Bank letters and bank book for at least 400 000 Baht, or a visa support letter proving income of at least 40 000 Baht. Possibly Affidavit as proof of income if accepted at your immigration office.

8. Kor Ror 3 – Original and copy. That's the marriage certificate with the drawing on it.

9. Kor Ror 2 – Marriage Registry. You must first obtain a new proof of marriage registration from the municipality a few days before. Attention, this proof is only valid for 30 days. Costs 20 Baht.

10. My wife's Thai ID

11. Blue Tabien Wife's job or possibly a rental contract.

12. Drawing of a well-known reference point to the house.

13. 6 photos of in and around your home that show you and your wife and at least 1 with the house number.

14. He will probably also need a witness. Preferably someone who knows them well.

And he can't forget to take his wife with him, of course...

PS. Still curious. Why doesn't that friend ask that question himself?

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