Questioner: Mik Genet

It was completely unclear to me whether I need to arrange a visa to stay in Thailand for 3 months. Just like corona measures, entry and residence rules were constantly changing.

In the pub here in my village I received the story from an experienced 80-year-old Thailand visitor that from the age of 65 one can stay in Thailand for three months without a visa. Is this correct?

Reaction RonnyLatYa

In a pub, of course, many stories are told… and, above all, many are created.

A Belgian/Dutch citizen can benefit from a Visa Exemption. This results in a maximum stay of 30 days. Age does not play any role. By the way, the reference age for Retired in Thailand is 50 years, not 65 years. That is the only period of stay you will get if you go to Thailand without a visa.

There are nationalities that obtain longer through bilateral agreements, but Belgians/Dutch are not among them.

I also exclude “Official and Diplomatic passports” here.

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You can then extend those 30 days once by 30 days. Then costs 1900 Baht. Or you can extend that once by 60 days because of Thai marriage/Thai child. Costs 1900 Baht.

Until May 25, there is still a temporary Corona measure that allows you to obtain a Corona extension of 60 days. Costs 1900 Baht.


There is no possibility to obtain a stay of 90 days upon entry without a visa. It is limited to 30 + 30 = 60 days without a visa.

If you're lucky, the Corona measure will be extended for 60 days, but it may just as well disappear after May 25.

But if the 80-year-old experienced Thailander can prove the opposite and that there are other possibilities, he can always show that. Well with proof then, because what we shout in the pub is not much use either.

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